ABC should be investigated!

Trump should sue ABC!!!


  1. Yea the Lying POS had an ear piece. She Doesn’t have the Brains To Be President of The United States . Comrade Kamala should relocate to China where a Commie BELONGS.

  2. Investigation of ABC is like asking the “fox to guard the chicken house”. The American news media cannot be trusted anymore.
    Also, the democrat party has never tried to instill self sufficiency in people, they only want your vote to stay in power and only tell you what you want to hear. Yes, I am a former democrat voter.

  3. Treason.

    No more tolerance of treason.

    Arrest this cock gobbling SLUT and charge it with TREASON.

    Try it at Gitmo.

    EXECUTE any resulting sentence at Gitmo.

    Rinse and repeat..

  4. Trump, Trump, Trump our President.

    Everyone needs to learn to pronounce her name, it’s Kamal-A** one hump or two anything for a vote

  5. We need to know who advertises on ABC for the boycott. I am curious, since there was no audience, who was Harris looking at in the back of the room and if she was wearing an earwig, because she looked like she was receiving communication.

    Also, did you get that Harris admitted to reading communication between the dictator of North Korea and Trump. This communication was consider classified and was mentioned to have been in the boxes collected in the raid of Mar-a-Largo. If Harris read this classified correspondence which was supposed to be held secured, along with Trump’s personal records, until a decision was made to review each document by a person with access, and his personal records were to be returned. If any of his documents have been used since they violated his civil rights the court cases should be thrown out.

    • The FBI and Jack Smith already admitted that they “may have shuffled” the documents and that they weren’t necessarily in the same order as when confiscated – they tampered with evidence. Trump was allowed to have those documents as President of the United States. If not, arrest all previous Presidents that had the same right, including Biden, Clinton (Bill, not Hillery), Bush, etc. Biden was not EVER allowed to have the documents that were already in his possession as Senator, VP and citizen but, here he is running free because he’s too fragile to ever bring charges against him. What in the hell is he doing still as President of the US if he’s so “fragile”? Who is running our country right now until Jan. 20th when President Trump takes his rightful place in the WH again?

    • They are lawless, what do you expect?To many are corrupt. Kamala is a pawn while Trump is a Rook. You have to go up in rank to see who really is in control. Look to the establishments that are against him and their money makers. Tie them all together and you will get the big picture. Only the Lord can sort this out. To many layers of lies as of an onion being peeled. Read your Bible, this is your only hope for real justice.

  6. Trump emerged victorious in the debate. As I watched, I realized it was orchestrated to discredit Trump and favor Harris. I have chosen to boycott ABC, I am only one person, but imagine if everyone aware of ABC’s corruption ceased viewing. A single individual’s actions could inspire millions. It is worrisome that numerous young people are registering to vote solely because Taylor Swift has endorsed Harris. They appear to be swayed by a celebrity whose decisions they might not completely comprehend.

  7. I’m so disappointed with the media, I’ve never seen such dishonesty like this makes me question everything you hear from the media . I can’t believe someone one would abandon their morals and dignity for votes? I’ve always trusted what was reported. It’s just sad they’re becoming middle school mean girls. Grow up media and get back to your professional non-bias reporting.

    • “Get back to…?” I can’t remember when the MSM has ever been honest. Looking back, it’s always been one-sided. They care about ratings and kickbacks, period. This is quid pro quo if ever there was a good example.

    • I don’t ever watch any MSM so I don’t even know who some of their sponsors are. When the Dems boycotted Mike Lindell/My Pillow, I boycotted the stores that stopped selling them. I’m the proud owner of several My Pillow products. I’m glad the Dems brought it to my attention.

  8. I have always watched & admired David Muir on the Nightly News since he started the gig, but now I’ve lost all respect for him as being the patsy in this debacle along with his side kick. I’m done, no more as can’t count on either of you for non bias reporting. Totally unprofessional but now we all know you’re just there for the $$$’s and the ratings. No one believes that the K didn’t have someone feeding her info during the debate. The cackler for 3 years with nothing to say that made sense when ask to comment on anything and now she sounds like a computer spitting out her rhetoric and lies for votes.

  9. Brent Bozell and the Media Research Center scrutinizes all the Media, especially TV News, for bias. They found with David Muir’s ABC News Tonight Harris received 100% POSITIVE coverage since the Coup. Donald J Trump received 93% NEGATIVE coverage.

    Lindsay Davis Co-Moderator, is a Sorority Sister of Harris and attended the same College. Also, Deborah O’Connell, the woman put in charge of ABC News earlier this year, is a long time personal friend of Harris.

    You can’t make this stuff up. They should all be publicly charged with Election Interference when the Whistleblower provides his evidence.

  10. T
    How does one debate a liar? You DON’T Trump should have stopped this attack and said, Call me when you want to DEBATE, until then, good bye.
    He actually did the best he could with what he got thrown at him by all 3. He got out some good ones on her! I’m glad they are investigating ABC with this obviously a rigging job!!!!!!!!! it was 3-1 of rigging. We’re not stupid!

  11. Dishonest Kamala,lying through her teeth knowing she was being dishonest,cheating Kamala,attacking not debating evading questions and everyone fact checking Trump and letting Kamala tell stories not even standing on her own policies but Trump’s policies.Four years of lies,four years of supporting our enemies and Putin enforced her. What message is that? And the Democrats investigating interference in our elections must be investigating themselves

  12. Good thing Trump loves stupid people! Who else would believe a raving lunatic suffering from dementia? At least true Americans flushed the orange turd before he could do any more damage. And again at his failed Red Tsunami. Those are facts you can’t deny.

    • Eric
      You got it wrong !! It was Hillary that said “Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated !”

      Who cares about Biden the raving lunatic suffering from dementia

      Libs like you wouldn’t know facts of it hit you in groin !! You have fallen for every bullshit since Trump Russia collusion !! NOW THAT IS A FACT!!

    • So you approve of Kamala agreeing to rules of debate And then using an ear piece which she agreed NOT to use !!
      Is there any moral compass or ounce of decency in the lib cult ??
      What you cultist do t understand is that she lied to YOU and entire nation ! She lied to Eric NOW!! And you are ok with that ??
      Stupidity is strong in lib cult

  13. Trump idolizes Putin, quotes Hitler, and brags about his love affair with Kim Jung Un. Is he lusting to be America’s dictator, or is he just an ignorant senile old fool who rants like a lunatic? It’s looking like both, isn’t it?

    • Walt ,
      Educate yourself !! Putin just ENDORSED Kamala !! Damn libs are ignorant !!
      And it is hilarious that you believe bullshit about Trump having love affair with Kim Jung Un . That would s another bullshit story made up and you ignorant libs fell for it !!
      And why do you ignorant libs keep bringing up the ignorant senile old fool Biden ?? Pull your h ad out of your ass !! Biden is history!! We all know Biden rants like a lunatic!!

  14. I don’t see much praise for Harris, but it’s been pretty obvious why the majority of Americans flushed the orange turd ASAP! There has never been a more useless incompetent lying buffoon in public office ever! We sure don’t want a senile old fool running the country who’s had 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies. He’s so incompetent that it’s laughable. Don’t EVER let that buffoon near taxpayer’s money again. A moron who goes bankrupt with casinos, and adds 8 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in one short term.




  16. Anyone, with any sense would know That if Kamala, were going to do the things she Purports, she would have done them in the last 3 and a half years Granted she is NOT the president of the U.S., and so has certain limitations, But she IS PRESIDENT, of the Senate, and still has the power to vote on behalf of the people, Instead of The PARTY Thereby sending bills up for Signing or Veto.

  17. I think the fix is in..everyone in those diners on Fox News voting for Trump…all those thousands and those Trump rallies..Comrade Harris can’t even draw flies if she has people there she has to pay them and transport them in by bus…yet polls say it’s close..nope …these communist pukes are just waiting for election night for 3 a.m. to roll around..then the vote counters flip a million or so votes to get miss comrade into office ..just like last presidential election..I saw it happen on t.v. ..unless the republicans fix it..will happen goes the deep stink in Washington

    • Archie, you are so cute with your kindergarten name calling !! You libs all post same ignorant lines and use same language when name calling!!
      You prove YOU don’t have a brain !!

      It is hilarious that Trump lives scott free in the libs empty heads

      Remember Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated !” You must enjoy being a mindless cult member

  18. I love how President Trump answers questions! He is Direct, honest, blunt, sincere, and serious! No beating-around-the-bush, no nonsense, no giggling, with discernment. President Trump says it like it is, answers intellectually whether or not it resonates kindly. I highly respect President Trump. I pray to God that President Trump comes back to lead our country to make California affordable again! Thank you for your analysis!

  19. The lying, cheating comrade kamala Soga continues! But really, did anyone expect ABC employees or the communist that run it would do anything other than what it takes to benefit themselves! ABC dose not give a dam about America. If you still do not get it, Watch a movie from 1973. Its a story by Harry Harrison and directed by Richard Fleischer called Soylent Green. It shows the outcome or how it probably will end up if comrade kamala and her minion are allowed to have the key to America. God help you if you can’t live off the grid !

  20. I have to admit, as a long time Conservative, I think Trump’s overblown ego has cost us the election. Instead of presenting policies, he just comes up with crazy insults and brags about himself too much. He should listen to his advisors, but he thinks he is smarter than everyone. I don’t know where he gets those dumb ideas. You can tell by his vocabulary he is not well-educated.


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