BREAKING: Suspect in apparent second Trump assassination attempt identified



Speaking about Trump : β€œLet me tell you: You take on the intelligence community β€” they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Tuesday evening on MSNBC

Please tell me they did not turn him over to the FBI. They might cremate him.


  1. Why is it called apparently? The A-hole has been set up in a sniper’s nest, with an AK-47 waiting for Trump to get to the kill zone, and that makes it apparently or another favorite word the propagandists used allegedly!
    Another ding dong known by government agencies! Watch this swept under the carpet like the other attempt ans whitewashed!

  2. Exactly right, Ron C. This wannabe assassin was pretty dumb as he didn’t have a proper assassin’s rifle. Probably too expensive for him. Doubt he had a job for the past 25 years of his miserable life. An AK-47 which was mentioned as his weapon is not very reliable at a distance. Maybe he thought he could shot a lot of rounds and just get “lucky” while probably harming or killing people everywhere.

    The real hero of this attempt was the civilian person who (a) saw the shooter and followed him (b) took a picture of his vehicle with the license showing and (c) made an identification of the shooter at the arrest scene ( “yes, that’s the guy I saw”). Wonder what the Secret Service would have done without him.

    • The Secret Service probably knew about it and were hoping he would be successful. They were warned about the kid who shot Trump in the ear and did nothing about it. Like most presidential assassinations and attempts, it’s an inside job set up by the Dems….Lincoln, JFK, RFK, Reagan…the Dems always want to eliminate those with whom they disagree but cannot stop.

  3. As a 6 year Navy Veteran, I would have never thought in my life time, that we would have so many dumb human beings in this great country off ours. The Secret Services and FBI is doing and outstanding job with what they have to work with. The Republicans Party need to stop all of the hate campaigning. As a tax payer, how can we ever forget what happened on January 6, 2020. I was once a Republican, but never again until the Republicans party clean house with Trump and his conies. We need our party back.

    • Jesse are you blind or just refuse to acknowledge the hatred in the Democrats?? They have attacked Trump for years !! You are the dumb one if you can’t see what is happening !! The communist Democrat party is doing all it can to get rid of Trump ! All communists do this !!
      As a taxpayer I can never forget the money wasted on Trump Russia collusion, Trump taxes, Ukraine lie all perpetrated by Democrats !
      YOU were NEVER a Republican !! If you were you would not accept the actions of the Democrats!!
      Trump is a true American! He loves America!!
      Take your lies elsewhere !! It is extremely easy to see through your lies about being Republican!!

      • You are delusional. Have you ever listened to, or read, ONE WORD of Democrats’ (and other sane people’s) REASONS for “attacking Trump”? He’s cheated his employees and contractors for years. He’s trafficked confidential information to the KGB and the Saudis, among other. He’s a rapist. Trump loves nothing but himself.

        • What I don’t understand is why people don’t get this??
          A rapist
          A liar
          A convicted criminal
          An adulterous person
          A xenophile
          But yet people think he’s God!
          I’m mad confused over this!

          • You don’t understand because everything you said is pure LIB LIES AND BULLSHIT !!
            ONLY ignorant libs in their stupidity say conservatives think Trump is God . No conservative has ever stated that!!

            You accuse Trump but approve of Biden who is a adulterer, sexual molester, pedophile
            AND support a PROSTITUTE for president !! She is also a MARXIST communist and in your uneducated ignorant stupidity you support her !!
            You are a liar, a hypocrite and utterly stupid with your unfounded claims !!

      • Trust Lawrence to babble his usual bullshit. Everyone knows how bad Trump’s record is, and I don’t mean just at losing. His fraud, his conviction, his lawsuits, his business record, tax evasion, fake university, stealing from charities, rape accusations, infidelity, divorce history, humping porn stars, paying hush money, inciting Jan. 6 magats, false electors, tricking fools to send him money for a faked stolen election, selling clown shoes and trading cards like some cheap huckster. I could go on, but smart people can understand.

        • Trust Samuel to spew is usual bullshit!! He is scared shitless of Trump causes he KNOWS KAMALA is not qualified to run America !!
          Who wants a MARXIST communist and who wants tampon tim who is community strong ties to CCP!!
          Only uneducated ignorant Democrat cult !!
          You could put ” Doug E Shit” on Democrat ballot and Samuel would vote for it !!

      • I voted for Trump the first time around. 2 years after he was in office I knew I made a big mistake. He is one of if not the biggest crooks in the U.S. He makes Al Capone look like a paper boy. He has swindled people that have done work for him time and time again. And he wants to be a dictator. That is obvious from his past dictator friends of other countries. It is time to forget the party game and Trump, and move on to someone who cares about you and me and the United States of America.

    • You have no ideas of what is really going on in America now. The Democrats doing all their best to destroy the America. Kamala is surely doing hell of job destroying America rapidly with her false promises and leaving the borders open for all the Aillen’s to enter this country to the ruin and Kamala is just smiling and watching all these things going on and do nothing about it. Americans are suffering and having a hardest time making ends meet while Kamala is helping the Illegals for their medical, food, place to live just to get all their votes. She was lying left and right during the debate and these 2 moderators were jokes attacking Trump for not giving him the chance to rebuttal from Kamala pathological lies against him, but they gave Kamala the plenty of time to talk more against Trump. The debate was the totally in big favor of Kamala. You see, the person who runs the ABC News Center is the boss of David Muir, and Lindsey Davis and is a very good personal friends of Kamala and they did what exactly their boss told them to do was to attack Trump during the whole debate and thereafter, the people have reacted on how unfair the debate was and how biased against Trump.

    • I do not know if you know this, but NOT ALL VETERANS HAVE COMMON SENSE, Tim Walz is a perfect example of a ‘common senseless’ Veteran. All the Veterans I know have common sense and are ALL REPUBLICANS! Do you know why Republicans are Conservatives? We want to conserve America’s Constitution, we want to conserve our religious freedoms, we want to conserve our Unalienable Rights, we want to conserve America’s values, we want to conserve the laws that were passed to protect the innocent and not create laws to punish law-abiding citizens, and the list goes on. Democrats want to tear down all of these. “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” This is a quote from Thomas Jefferson, and our Founding Fathers experienced tyranny. Americans have not experienced TYRANNY since the Declaration of Independence; the Tyranny has begun! Most Americans want liberty and not have to live under an oppressive Socialist, Communist, or Dictatorial society. Americans cannot allow the tyranny to continue. I forgot to mention that I am also a Conservative, Republican, Christian, Veteran.

    • People who don’t use their minds to see that America is being destroyed from within i.e., open borders, pipe line closed, oil leases shut down, etc. are part of the problem. We were self supporting during Trump’s presidency but Biden destroyed all that starting with his first day in office. illegals are given free medical, housing, SS and the Democrats are bending over backwards to give them anything and everything but America’s veterans, together with many others, are suffering. Jesse, you are a big part of the problem. I pray you’ll start using your brain instead of believing everything the media says.

    • The republicans need to stop the hate??? If they’re shooting at Trump, seems the dems need to stop the hate!

      I agree, Jan 6th was awful. Should not have happened.

      The 11 million migrants and counting and wars hurt all of us Americans much more.

      It appears if Harris is elected, war is in our near future. If not directly, the U.S. will be in war helping Philippines against China.

      Out of Harris and Trump, Trump has a MUCH better chance of ending and stopping wars.

      • Apparently this guy’s “Democratic” donations were mostly to Tulsi Gabbard, who is . . . not at all democratic. He posted at least one statement supporting Haley and Ramaswamey (now, there’s an unlikely team!) against Trump.
        And, no, Trump has no chance of stopping any wars, because no international leader has any respect for him; they’ve all seen him bow to Putin and lick Kim’s boots.

      • Nothing in history hurt the USA more than the Jan. 6 traitors and leader Trump trying to overturn the election and the will of the people. Most wannabe dictators would be tried and sentenced to death for treason.

  4. I’m beginning to wonder if Democrats are doing these things behind people’s back. I’m now more so suspicious of the Democrats hiring Crooks to assassinate Trump weeks ago then killing him immediately by the Secret Service man to conceal him from speaking out as to who had hired him to assassinate Trump.

  5. Remember all the hate from Hillary calling us Deplorable’s & Mad Maxine Waters telling people to get in our faces wherever we are & there’s a lot more to & these Lunatic Democrats call us spewing hate when it’s them doing it ……

  6. If you want to know what a Democrat is doing just listen to what they accuse a Republican of !!
    They always deflect and the lib cult believes them

  7. Me again! Let’s not forget what the majority of Americans think of Trump. They flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!

  8. Trust Samuel to spread all his communist Democrat LIES AND BULLSHIT !!
    He keeps LYING CONSTANTLY !!
    AND SAMMY CANNOT dispute one thing I have stated !! FACT ! So he calls me names and attacks me and Trump’!!
    “Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary !!
    Sam is poster boy !!

  9. I was taught never to argue with a stupid person! They will eventually drag you down to their level of stupidity and beat you with experience!!
    Keep spreading your hatred and lies !!
    Satan loves what you are doing !!

  10. It’s obvious Lawrence, when you have a proven incompetent useless POS like Trump running for reelection, you know the GOP is destroying itself from within. What a joke that loser turned out to be! Only 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies, and someone thinks he can run the country? He sure proved otherwise. LOL!

    • Marcie, UES I have proven YOU and all your other lib cult members incompetent, uneducated and ignorant !!
      And you vote for a POS Kamala who has allowed over 10 MILLION ILLEGALS to cross the border including terrorists, drug cartel,
      thugs ! Kamala/ Biden have HIGHEST INFLATION rate in 40 yrs !! What a POS!
      SHE LIES Constantly, steals policy ideas from Trump , makes FOOL of herself in interviews, has allowed rampant crime to take over cities, What a joke the prostitute loser has become ?!
      Trump ran country better than Biden/ Kamala but you don’t want to admit it!! The lib cult is scared shit less of Trump!!

  11. Heather, you have to feel really sorry for anyone that supports the prostitute!! She can’t think on her own !! Steals policies from Trump and Vance, lies constantly to Heather and all Americans , has allowed over 10 million ILLEGALS to cross the border including terrorists, drug dealers, murderers, gangs !!
    And the ignorant brain washed lib cult thinks she can run the country??

    America has fought against communism since WW2 And now the uneducated ignorant, utterly STUPID democrat cult wants to vote for a MARXIST communist for president and an avowed communist Tim ,who has strong ties to CCP, as VEEP!!
    You are NOT a true American if you, Heather, votes for communism. Heather and lib cult are what communists call “useful idiots “


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