Did Trump Assassin Meet With The Feds!? BOMBSHELL Cell Phone Data Reveals Mysterious DC Trips | WHY




President Trump was saved by God- Not these clowns!


  1. Nothing strange about any of this..just goes to show you that Trump was setup to be killed and this young kid was the patsy of the Bidens feds.

  2. DOESN’T SURPRISE ME. Only thing this young man gave his life for a bunch of scum in Washington. I can’t believe people would step so low. Democrats are sure afraid of something.

      • Sadly, they won’t be…Resistance will be strong, they are many, they are dangerous, and they are determined to make America Communist.

  3. These dirty rat bastards, can not be trusted to guard, and protect out president. This was a total set=up, to eliminate our president, by the grace of God, they missed, but their not done. This TDS with all these people, has made the world a dangerous place, especially, America. U are on the verge, of a civil fkg war, if u keep screwing conservatives, and censoring us, u can only push so far, Be careful how far u push this, your pissing off, half the country, with idiotic, policies from a mentally unfit, incompetent, failure, of 4 yrs, a laughing stock of America and the world. A coup in his party because he is so lost and out of touch.He could still set of WW3, because he has lost all trust in anyone.failure

    • Obama, is still their leader…Friend s with Bill Aires, a bomber in the
      weather underground, than got away with killing others, including cops doing their duties…Now a professor in Chicago, should anybody feel patriot.

  4. The Democrats have succeeded in corrupting every nook and cranny of the administrative state. But this is the first time that we might be able to prove that they went so far as to try to assassinate a former President and current candidate for that office. It is logical from their behavior that they would do that given the history of what they have tried to do to him since he entered the race. That list is long.

  5. When you impeach a president on phony documents paid for by Hillary and a weak quick pro quo phone call. Then go after all his money and try to throw him in jail political prosecution what they call that.Also let’s not forget about Jan 6th such a revolt a civil war a insurrection if they would call it nothing but a bunch of bull weak like everything else they got.Then they try to kill him after Biden showed his true self on the debate stage.They were either told to stand down and let the president be shot or had something more to do with it either way they are completely responsible for nearly getting the president killed hope they can sleep at night knowing that.We will find out about what happened that day lone gunman my ass or full conspiracy to kill the president.We will get to the truth on what happened hopefully sooner then later bottom line they missed like a bunch of chumps.They wanted him dead,they wanted him broke,they wanted him thrown in jail,they wanted him thrown out of the White House,how’s that all going for them.Like I said nothing but a bunch of chumps.They made President Trump into something large then life a great American hero they screwed the pooch now.They will only know in November just had bad they messed up can’t wait.By the way we’re watching so keep it fair I know that it’s impossible for them to do that.I live in a state in a state there’s 40 million people we figure our elections here a 1/2 hour after the polls close but Georgia with 10 million people going to take another 5 days to figure out after Election Day that’s bull and everybody knows it.Only in a swing state that they need to win if that isn’t screwed up bull. Try to keep this election on the up an up keep it fair is all we ask because we’re watching believe me we are watching.Better yet let’s make it really fair and have voter ID sent to every registered voter, you know like having a drivers license to drive a car. That makes to much sense and would make it much harder to cheat in a election we wouldn’t want that now.It would be one person one vote and that’s it.Wouldn’t have anybody yelling you cheated would you now well so much for that fantasy.They the Dems don’t want that they wouldn’t be able to win. I feel a landslide coming in November for the republicans to take the White House back.The republicans got this we’ve never been this united as a party and the dems are divided trying to figure out if there going to run sleepy joe or Kamala. Now that they know there going to run Kamala against Trump are they sure because she only got 2 percent in the 2020 primaries only presidential election she’s been on top of the card and didn’t even get a delegate.Real good candidate to put up against Trump a three time candidate who’s never been stronger in the polls then right now.Good luck with that your going to need it there just pumping her up hype her up with nobody really going to vote for her and there screwed up policies she’s not getting 80 million to vote for her no way but a Republican Party divided last time around gave Trump 75 million votes this time there united behind him he’s going to be well over 80 million votes especially in the swing states.On to victory in November.

  6. About Kamala besides her and Joe’s screwed up policies she can’t be trusted she’s a typical politician that will flip on everything she thinks you want to hear from her like I am for fracking because I need some states like Pennsylvania to vote for me but tomorrow after I got your vote I will say no more fracking it’s horrible for the environment.What she won’t tell you is what kind of person she is because she don’t want you to really know her.Im from Cali and I heard all the stories of her adulteress affair with old Willie Brown he was 60 years old and she was 30 years old just out of law school which I heard she cheated on her bar exam but that’s another story for another time.Did I leave out old Willie was still married to his wife at the time of the affair she’s an adulteress a home wrecker. I’m sure you all can see the attraction 30 year old woman and old Willie 60 years old man but it’s not like that he was her boss and gave her two appointed positions in the DAs office with a salary of 150,000 each sort of whored her self a 150,000 job appointed by old Willie Brown if that ain’t sick I don’t know what is.Besides she’s still hiding the fact that are current president is unfit to run the country.But now she’s taking his spot for the next four years migration will be twice as bad as it is now instead of having 20 million here we will have 40 million here.Just what they want.


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