Those two gals were terrible as far as sticking to the rules. Give in a bit geez!But, if you want to find out what these two guys are about, let them finish their sentence.
Vance looked like a fool when he complained about a fact-check, and when he wouldn’t answer who won the last election. That cost him the debate. Trump must be pissed.
Waldo looked really STUPID with looking at Vance then back at the cam so much like he wanted to stop him the whole time Guess TRUTH does make some want to keep it away for voters
Ever since Trump came along with his nasty attitude and insults, he has instilled hatred in the nation. No one has ever seen him admit a mistake or apologize to anyone, or even say one bad word about his idol Putin. He cheats on every wife, bangs porn stars & pays hush money, grabs pussies and wants to control women’s bodies while calling himself a Christian. YUK! He makes us women voters want to puke!
Yes, Vance and Trump are someone who sure shouldn’t be trying to run anything. Why can’t the GOP find candidates worthy of the job? This is really depressing to see that this is the best they could come up with.
Walz is a governor so he should have had much more experience speaking to public.
Vance is informed and is a great speaker! Wala looked like a deer in the headlights.
He was terrible. He talked about himself too much, instead of attacking Harris.
Those two gals were terrible as far as sticking to the rules. Give in a bit geez!But, if you want to find out what these two guys are about, let them finish their sentence.
Vance looked like a fool when he complained about a fact-check, and when he wouldn’t answer who won the last election. That cost him the debate. Trump must be pissed.
Waldo looked really STUPID with looking at Vance then back at the cam so much like he wanted to stop him the whole time Guess TRUTH does make some want to keep it away for voters
Yes, that was hilarious when Vance said “you told me there would be no fact-checks.” What a pussy!
He want afraid it was the principal of the rules, no fact checking so don’t fact check him, you know they weren’t t going to check Bozo
Ever since Trump came along with his nasty attitude and insults, he has instilled hatred in the nation. No one has ever seen him admit a mistake or apologize to anyone, or even say one bad word about his idol Putin. He cheats on every wife, bangs porn stars & pays hush money, grabs pussies and wants to control women’s bodies while calling himself a Christian. YUK! He makes us women voters want to puke!
Yes, Vance and Trump are someone who sure shouldn’t be trying to run anything. Why can’t the GOP find candidates worthy of the job? This is really depressing to see that this is the best they could come up with.