20 year old kid is dead because someone set him up. The entire world is extreamly sick.

My 8 year old daughter was listening and asked me “Trump’s dead?” I had to reassure her that Trump is still alive.


  1. Does anyone think the democratic party gives a fat rats ass one way or the other about the damage they cause by their lust for power, fame and money. They are willing to anoint the “Whore of Babylon” any way they can.

    • Colleen, you have some nerve!!! Trump and his MAGA cult followers are the ones lusting for power, fame and money. The fact that you still endorse a convicted felon 34 times over says it all.
      Maybe you should start getting your news from somewhere other than FOX News (which isn’t a news station, or from X social.
      Wake the FUCK UP and see the big picture.

      • Fox is the only one who told us Biden’s brain was gone, Joe has a grandchild he does not acknowledge, Hunter’s job in the Ukraine that he is not qualified for (or do anything), the fake charges against Trump, the Big RUSSIAGATE Lie, and a million more so STFU!

      • Honey I am wide awake and am old enough to see the wool they are trying to pull over everyone’s eyes. Trump was tried and convicted illegally and you and the scum like you are too stupid to know your being played. Demon rats like people like you gullible.
        What day do you bow to your idol, George Soros!

        • Amen Colleen, I’m with you all the way, the democrats have ruined our country, the are all a bunch of crooks, if they weren’t they would not go along with this mess, we will be under communism very soon, if they are in complete control, people need to wake up..

      • You need to wake the “f,” up and pull your head out !!
        Trump and MAGA want to save America from the communist Democrat cult

  2. First of all, trump is ex or former, not president. Secondly, they said the shooter was on no media and now they are finding a computer and cell phone entries. Oh, surprise. So, who are you brilliant redacted people saying put this together? I think this poor young man was trumps patsy so he can have a woa is me to add to his speeches. Otherwise, whoever you say would have gotten someone that could hit the broad side of a barn.

  3. All you Trump haters I have one wish that you all suffer a very long & very painful demise & there are 35 to 40 million of you fkers that don’t deserve to live in America!

  4. Ask kamala why she refers to slick willy brown as the albatross around her neck. She serviced him for years until he tossed her back into the street

  5. Do these people know how impossible it would be to set something up like this where one man dies, two are terribly injured, and the one man, the target, goes home with a shot ear? Does their hate for this man cloud their intelligence? Where does this kind of hate come from? Where did it start? Why did it start? Did the MSM and social media construct this? Did the Democrats create this travesty with their quest to get the White House? All questions had a million answers but no answer for when they would stop. Do they think the problems with America start with the death of a man who disagrees with them, even when it costs the death and injury of other Americans? I repeat, WHERE DOES THIS KIND OF HATE COME FROM? Americans? It can’t be, can it? It’s time for us to look within and ask ourselves these tough questions.

  6. I agree. Where does this kind of hate come from? It’s sickening and destructive. No wonder we are in deep trouble with this kind of hate out there. We don’t have to agree but why does that mean we have to be hateful and insulting. Grow up people. A healthy discussion is great, insulting each other is not.

  7. The ignorant people are the Republicans who have swallowed Trumps lies forgetting that God hates liars. If you tell me one lie and continually to tell lies l cannot and will not believe anything that person says. Wake up and smell the truth. Trump took the USA to bottom of a Trump pit.

    • Trump is the only one that has help America, there were more jobs and people got along with each other so much better, groceries, gas and everything else was a lot cheaper, our country is headed for destruction when the democrats are in complete control, they want to have the new world order in by 2030, if you don’t know what the new world order is research it..

    • Poor Eva!! She believes all the lies fed her by Democrat party !!
      AND God does not condone lies, abortion, infanticide, transgender, LGBTQ, mocking him .. all of these done by you and Democrat leaders.


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