Even Bill Maher can’t TAKE IT anymore lol



Anyone who supports Biden at this point needs professional psychiatric help

Trump barely says a word and that’s all it takes to show Biden’s true colors.


  1. If biden is still on the ballot for president and he receives anywhere close to Trumps numbers it will trigger the demand for a total investigation of our voting system. The danger with this will be that government will use this to pass laws to “PROTECT OUR VOTING RIGHTS” that will start as most government regulation.

    it will be written in language that will allow the courts to reinterpret the words so it will now grant power to government regulators. powers that usurps state powers. Again all done under the CRISIS mode government has been using to expand its powers.

    I give my usual example of the seat belt requirements that added them to cars “for public safety” what happened? the regulations were changed to become law. laws that all cars were required to have them. well no argument from the citizen. then the laws were expanded that they be used, but no penalties were made if they were not used.

    Then you were to get a fine if stopped for another violation you would have an additional fine for not using them. then as always they can now stop you for not using them. as we can see the gradual “reasonable” use of laws to “protect the public” the final goal is expanding government power.

    let me add it also provided insurance companies with a way to refuse coverage that required the owner of a policy to go to court to get insurance companies to cover an accident. money they didn’t have to get a lawyer to fight. it was also a way for them to raise rates for people that live in high accident areas.

    Somehow protecting the public always seem to provide government with more power and enrich the people that provides donations that keep them in power. sorry for my lengthy explanation, but this method of expansion has been accelerating for decades. government started this by attempting to hide their plan.

    today they don’t care what you know because they blatantly violate our first ammendment protections without fear of prosecution because of immunity. While America is awakening to what is happening, government has its teeth firmly latched on to its power. it is no longer like the family pet with its favorite chew toy, but a dog that will take your arm off should you threaten to take its bone of power away.

    We are no longer seen as a family to protect but a source of funding that now demands it be fed. With events that were as public as they can get with the debate. biden has shown us clearly that he isn’t in control. Who is? Whoever it is doesn’t have America as the nation they serve.

    We see again the promise that he will lower taxes and provide medical care. well he had four years to do it, so why didn’t he do it then? Even the minorities realize these words are but lip service that pander to dependent people who are kept at the brink of poverty and totally dependent upon government.

    Government that now wants to control our lives from cradle to grave that they know they have the attention of the dependent to keep them in power. On July 4, we calibrate our independence from oppressive government.

    should the left maintain its hold over government we will be changing it to dependance day.———–I, Grampa

    • Amen. Well and fully stated. I agree with your analysis completely. Too many Americans have either been brainwashed by the Left or are simply too stupid to care or see what’s happening. The Left preys on this. No difference between what the Left is doing and Communism. Total control is the objective.

  2. As a Great-Grandpa,…. I must agree with much of your statement of the present CRISIS,….But Truthfully if any of the ruling elite stay one more term,…. just one,…. it will be time to call in the pest control squads to fumigate the corners, the drapes and eliminate the roaches and Vermin, no matter where they attempt to hide,…. these are no longer Representatives,….
    they are profiteering pirates, thieves Hiding in common clothes,…. they really haven’t anything to say, Themselves, Nor should they,…. and they refuse to any longer hear and represent the people who elected them, with very few Exceptions at all,…. Nay, it is well past time to activate article Five,…. and amendments for term Limits,…. Eliminate Pac’s and lobbyists, and terminate the existence of the bureaucracy and the deep state.

  3. Bureaucracies are estabished with a mission statement such as IRS to collect taxes, but mission statements become secondary once bureaucracies are estabished. Then, the natural result is to assess their ability to augment their power, the effort to enhance their power by obtaining more power, and then, how to obtain even more. This is not even a criticism but a sincere observation that describes all of us. Ask yourself, once you have been given authority, isn’t it the first thing you do to test that authority to see how far it goes, and then to seek more? That is why the Founders were advocates of limited government. To get out of the way of citizens to freely exercise their individualism. “The less government is the best government”.

  4. The country has failed, and it didn’t happen yesterday. We haven’t been 1# for quite some time, but I was sure of it when Biden backed Ukraine with billions and did everything, he could to make the people in this country part of a genocide. As if all of this wasn’t enough, Biden has left us with the only option to replace him, a complete moron. So happy I left.


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