Fox Host LOSES IT On Kamala Propagandist As Democrats GET DESTROYED For Pushing INSANE Conspiracies!



President Trump has a SUCCESSFUL Presidential record

I don’t want a Prosecutor as a President. That scares me, especially with the current Administration’s DOJ


  1. The problem with to many lies is, one gets tired of them. Cant make a living on lies, sooner or later they come back and bite you on the azz. Then the fact one can’t always remember the lie told. Guessing the democrats never thought that one through.

    • Old wolf – you are right on too many lies! You just got the party and the person wrong – tRump is FAMOUS, really FAMOUS for his lies. The the Repubs trying to cover it up – that is lying too.

      • Ok LynetteMt start listing his lies !! You CAN’T!! You are just another ” useful idiot” for the communist Democrat party!!
        The democrat cult is ” basically STUPID” as Hillary said !!

        You have it wrong !! Bidumb and democrats are really, really, really famous for their lies !!
        “No American military have been killed under my watch ” Biden. EXCEPT for 13 in Afghanistan!
        “The economy is good. ” Bidumb & Harris
        ” My uncle was killed and eaten by cannibals in WW2 ” bidumb !!
        ” I drove semi across America ” bidumb
        ” The southern border is secure ” bidumb & Harris ! Only 10 million ILLEGALS have crossed it !!

        Tell me again who lies !! If a communist Democrats mouth is moving he is LYING !!

        • Lawrence , you are correct on Biden here:

          13 did die. That was a lie.

          “The economy is good.” That depends on who you ask. Rich people are doing good, businesses are doing good but prices at the store on groceries – not good and gas prices – depends on where you live – California not so hot.

          Biden didn’t say that his uncle was eaten – he said that he was killed and that there were a lot of cannibals in that country. He implied it.

          Biden did not drive a semi across America. That was a lie.

          The border thing – ONLY Congress can really fix that. Dems and Repubs have been at war over this for years. However, they had a bill that BOTH parties AGREED to. In May, tRump told the Repubs to vote no, and that killed the bill.


          Now for tRumps’s lies – and he started early:

          Trump claimed to have hit “the winning home run” when his school played Cornwall High School in 1964, garnering a headline “TRUMP HOMERS TO WIN THE GAME” in a local newspaper. Years later, a journalist discovered that Trump’s high school did not play Cornwall that year, nor did any such local headline surface.
          Source Wikipedia

          In 1973, the New York Times ran its first profile of Trump, stating he had “graduated first in his class from the Wharton School of Finance of the University of Pennsylvania” five years earlier.[71] However, in 1984, the New York Times Magazine shed light by pointing out that “the commencement program from 1968 does not list him as graduating with honors of any kind.”
          Source Wikipedia

          In another rally in 2015 on November 21, Trump claimed seeing “thousands and thousands” of Arab Americans cheering during the collapse of the World Trade Center on the other side of the Hudson River, in New Jersey. News organizations like the Associated Press (AP), The Washington Post, and The Star-Ledger reported rumors of 9/11 celebrations in New Jersey, but they were found to be “unfounded”, unsourced, or finding that people were memorializing the event, rather than celebrating. Nobody else was known to remember seeing masses of thousands of people celebrating after 9/11. Furthermore, Trump, living in Midtown Manhattan would not have been able to see people cheering in New Jersey with a clear view.
          Source Wikipedia

          Throughout his campaign and into his presidency, Trump repeatedly claimed the US would “build the wall and make Mexico pay for it”. President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto said his country would not pay, and never did.
          Source Wikipedia

          On Meet the Press in 2023 tRump claimed, “You have some states that are allowed to kill the child after birth.” He also said specifically, “You have New York state and other places that passed legislation where you’re allowed to kill the baby after birth.” This is a lie. Killing a child after birth is not allowed in any state, and New York did not pass legislation permitting infanticide.

          More from Meet the Press: Welker said to Trump, “If elected, you say you would order the Defense Department to use special forces to inflict maximum damage on drug cartels.” But Trump responded, “I didn’t say that. No. People said I said that.” He repeated, “I didn’t say that.” Trump said that. In a video he released in January, which remains on his website, he said that, if elected president again, “I will order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber-warfare, and other overt and covert actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure and operations.”

          I could go on and on, but check these lies out for yourself. There were 30,000+ lies or misleading statements made by tRump just during his term as president. Maybe you will live long enough to check all these lies out.

  2. Duh! We know what she will do…..she has been in office for almost 4 yrs!!!!! She will continue to destroy the laws and Constitution of this country, imprison conservatives, serve muslim countries, and divide this country on every social, economic structures…..and continue to Lie, Lie, Lie…. That is her theme son…

  3. Scott is awesome. He tells the truth. Everyone else on that panel looks dumbfounded. They’ve already drank the “Kamala Kool-aid!


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