He had the balls to say this on TV lol



Who in their right mind is giving Harris a positive approval rating? These people must be living on another planet.

Seeing liberals trying to scrub Trumps assassination attempt is priceless at this point


  1. Correct. If cackling Kammy wins, nothing will change. The same brain-dead, destructive policies will continue. She’ll turn America into a third world shithole.

  2. She’s already had a head start in destroying this country. She’s never been anything but a whore and a useless nutjob. Do not humor this criminal!

  3. People settle down, all the hype about cackles is just more of the lefts propaganda! They want everyone to believe she can win so when they steal the election through illegals voting, ballot boxes stuffing, etc, we will all believe she won through legal voting because she’s so popular. The only people voting for her are the ones who would have voted for biden or possibly Kennedy. She’s not pulling voters from Trump, it’s all propaganda…that’s what they are best at, lying through the mainstream fake media.
    I saw a video of a young black woman who witnessed cackle’s people going around picking up and offering homeless people food and money to go to her rallies and by using the right angles, it looks like the place is packed when they only had around 60 people who actually support her show up. The “rally” concert that was packed with her “supporters” saw thousands of people leaving when she started talking.
    It’s all propaganda so we’ll buy another election steal. The left can’t beat Trump on honest ground so they are doing what they do best, being dishonest! Stop being gullible like the democrats who are voting for her!

    • You are right on! We need to stop this dishonest Democrat and Democrat party and utilize poll watchers. I will volunteer at my polling place. I hope others of like mind will do the same.

  4. Absolutely well said. We need to be vigilant and observant and listen to the destruction Kamala and her party have in store for our great country. I believe that the American Citizenry can see through this hype, because the joy will disappear if she and her VP choice traitor are elected. This cannot happen. We need poll watchers because the Dems will cheat and use every means to win. It’s dangerous for our country.

  5. Judge Kamala by thr destructive Presidency of Biden and the useless job of Kamala Harris. The TRUE Kamala showed herself by everything she promised to abort before she reversed her plans. This is the same Kamala that lied about Bidens being sharp as a tack and who works late. Bidens TRUE colors showed in the Trump debate. Kamala has No knowledge or Business experience in running a Business. You may not like Trump but overlook the poison you have been fed and look out for yourself and your country. Trump did the right thing as President and left the country and its citizens much much better off. It would have stayed that way if Biden had the smarts to do so.

    • Yeah and January 6 was a pep rally. He is a serial liar, misogynist, pervert, adulterer, predator, failed businessman and now a CONVICTED FELON. But yeah what a great guy.

      • Biden is serial liar, adulterer, sexual molester, pedophile, failed POTUS !
        If Trump who is a multi billionaire is a failed businessman.them I want to be one also !!
        Ignorance and stupidity are strong in Mel

  6. All lies and Democrat Propaganda don’t fall into the trap !
    And as far as polls go when you only poll Democrat majority strong holds your going to very likely to get the results you want….

  7. Just by the demoncrats position on abortion, everyone should see that they hate children. I don’t understand how women can vote for Harris. She wants biological men in the locker rooms with your daughters. The votes she will get are from brainwashed sheep who blindly vote blue and people with TDS.

  8. She has never received one vote! This is another democrat CHEATING SCANDAL, IMO, planned the day Biden took her as veep. She, IMO, got to where she is on the backs of powerful males. The word salads, the cackle, the ignorance, heaven help our country! IMO, she has been a part of the worst administration in our country’s history. No vote, no primary, just appointed by one considered too demented to run again. Just think of the discarded votes of voters who did vote in the democrat primary! She was not on that docket, if my memory serves, and IMO, this is an illegal appointment, killing the votes of the people who did vote.


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