He STOPPED the rally to speak to a mother in the audience! Watch what happens next.



Guess what? People are hurting because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Yep, Kamala is not quilified to run for POTUS. Not even for pre-school teacher.


  1. I heard Ian Sam’s blowing smoke about what Kamala is going to to do to lower price. All I hear out of Sam’s or Harris is empty words NO REAL PLANS. Yet I hear Trumpputting out real information. LOWER ENERGY PRICES and RELEASE the farmers and Manufactures. Don’t fall for the Abortion issue. If you can’t eat , you won’t be having an abortion anyway, since you will be starving to death.

  2. That is the Biden, Harris, Walz, ticket. With help from the Mainstream Media, The View, and the establishment. Destroy the border, energy, cars, forced vaccinations, lockdowns, tear statues down, indoctrinate children, men in women’s sports, DEI, CRT, woke, and transgenderism, out of control spending. Blame Trump. TheFirst News, NewsMax, IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters are the only honest news. Check it out.

  3. Ever notice how when Harris speaks not only does your I.Q. drop but you start drooling like a comatose electors shocked patient? Because if I hear one more not policies word salad I’m going to stick my wet finger in an electric socit and join the rest of the Zombies listening to and believing her crap!😵

  4. She won’t discuss her plans because she doesn’t have any plans. She’ll continue dopey Joe’s destructive, brain-dead policies. America won’t survive 4 more years of that. Dopey Joe did so much damage, I doubt if we can recover.

  5. We really need to address serious issues—inflation, closing the boarders,address energy issues etc: Kamala is definitely not up to the task. All I see in her media coverage is how much she doesn’t know. Coupled with all the hand waving and double talk,for me, she has no credibility. She really needs a reality check. Biden May be suffering the ravages of old age, but Harris has the brain of a butterfly.
    Signed — A lifelong Republican

  6. Barbara, you are correct. Cackling Kammy won’t close the border, she won’t restore our domestic energy production, and she denies there’s any inflation. She’s an airhead. She hasn’t got a clue. Dopey Joe chose her as VP because she’s more stupid than he is. And that’s saying something.

  7. Cackling Kammy’s answer to high prices? Soviet-style price controls. And what caused the high prices? The Biden/Harris regime’s destructive, brain-dead policies.

  8. Trump is such a joke and a total loser. No wonder smart Americans flushed the orange turd ASAP last election, again in his failed Red Tsunami, and will flush him again in November. Even Hillary got 3 million more votes in 2016. Trump never wins anything. Probably because he is nothing but a lying corrupt traitorous POS wannabe dictator.

  9. True! Can you image letting Trump’s tiny hands get near taxpayer’s money again? Last time the incompetent buffoon cost us $8 TRILLION dollars. He was too incompetent to run anything more than a casino. Oh wait! He bankrupted two of those. LOL!!

  10. I didn’t hear a policy. I heard him say, if he can do it, he’ll cut the price of oil by 50%.
    Anyone can say this. How is he going to do that?
    He never gives detailed plans for his promises. NEVER.
    He says he will end Ukraine war and Israel/Gaza wars on day one. How?? Why not stop them now? Anyone can say they will stop the wars in one day?


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