Hillary Clinton Struggles to Hide Her Anger as Rachel Maddow Asks Her This About Trump



she is scared that people will find out what she has done, she is part of a very evil club

she is scared that people will find out what she has done, she is part of a very evil club


  1. Rachel and Hillary are the some of the people who are the problem. They instill anger, go after mentality. They want only their words, ideas, and no one else has anything worth while. They lie about what is said and twist statements to fit their narrative. They are the problem.

    • You are so right! Hillary and Rachel need to just move to a communist country. They are an embarrassment and an endanger to our country. Their nasty mouths are what is causing all this unrest. Really I don’t blame Bill for messing around with other women. She has so much blood on her hands. She can not be trusted . She is scared to death of President Trump because he will take all of these demonic Democrats down and I can’t wait for it to happen

    • You are correct……Clinton is a criminal that got away with all kinds of crimes to our Country..She is pissed because she did NOT get to be the President here…….

  2. Why arent u locked up Hillary after trying to wipe out all your computers and having a unsecured computer at your home! Leaked secrets to China, paid by china along with other with their Foundation that was shut down, not by them.

    Hilary paid for the fake dossier and was debucked when the court found no evidense except the fake dossier was made up and paid for by her. Obama lied when he said he did not know about it but they found an email that O sent to H ….proved both liars, unhinged still saying she did not lose the presidency…..Lock Her Up….white jackets are coming for her.

  3. Hillary is out of order. She doesn’t hold any public office anymore. If she had a brain, she’d shut the f**k up and disappear from public view. But she doesn’t and she won’t. I don’t care what that bitch has to say.


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