Holy SH*T! Congress is Prepping For a ‘MASS CASUALTY’ event before election | Redacted News



These folks are evil!

How about this added amendment: Congress Term Limits….


  1. Will this be the big ‘October Surprise’? Since Kamel-Toes is self-destructing in voter approval right before the November election, maybe the DNC/Deep State will cook up a ‘National crisis’ in order to suspend the Presidential election, have FJB step down and the VP appointed as POTUS by the Senate without a vote of the people? Remember, these are the same people who forced FJB out and put Kamel-Toes in and also organized and carried out the J6 ‘False Flag’ operation to try and get rid of Trump and his supporters. These people are poison.

  2. As usual! B.S. from the left! Do not believe anything the left makes up!
    That means everything, every lie they feed you! In other words, everything they say. Be smart. Save us all!

  3. Be careful what u wish for? One coup by G.looney, obuthead, piglosi, schumer, and other dirty rats in party. Just planted comrade chameleon, scamula, flip-flop marxist, harris into office as front runner, that is hilarious, an embarrassment, total failure, like hidenbiden, doesn’t have a clue what the hell is going on.

  4. I think there’s more to the plan, I’ve noticed that the states that were made sanctuary states are being controlled in ways that are disturbing. Many here in California aren’t happy about all of the immigrants but the media and the Governor act like everything’s great, there’s no coverage about the crime, the street take overs and the only murder they made a priority was the actor who was killed walking up to his car by mexicans. I think they want to control all of the states like they do the sanctuary states, look what happened to the mayor of New York and notice how the media doesn’t even do coverage of mayors and Governor’s in other states who used to complain. The Democrats are starting to play for keeps.

  5. It’s certainly possible the ‘rats could declare a national crisis to suspend the election. If they suspend the election, then Jill would be declared president. She’s already the de facto president and they’re not even trying to hide it anymore. Cackling Kammy is too much of an airhead. Besides, she’s highly unpopular.


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