Host Aghast When Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Stop Lying



she is such a liar

she is horrific


  1. Nancy Pelosi said Joe Biden needs to be on Mount Rushmore what a fucking joke! Maybe someone should sculp one for him with everything he didn’t do for America. Trump 2024!

  2. Has Leslie Stahl ever apologized to President Trump for as much as calling him a liar that day, and she made the statement: “Mr Trump, we don’t lie, we’re 60 Minutes”. This was over Hunter’s laptop. It turned out Trump was correct, 60 Minutes were liars. This was when Bribem lied and screamed at the debate 51 Intelligence Agents signed off on a fraud letter Bribem got generated on official govt. letterhead stating Russian miss-information, and the FB-Lie was hiding it in the evidence lockup. A few months ago it was used in Hunter’s Pistol/firearms trial and helped find him guilty. Now he has a Tax-Evasion charge in California. And now something has popped up in Romania. Leslie, it’s time you and 60 minutes apologize to President Trump! 60 Minutes should be better than that. Why in the world would you believe this family crime syndicate without any real investigating?

    • My name is also Leslie so it was a little unnerving when I read that I need to apologize. Then I realized who you were addressing, LOL. It’s too bad because once upon a time, 60 minutes used to be very reputable. The lines are clearly drawn.

  3. The lie is in the wording like they always do…”I didn’t call one person.” She called a lot of people. The Left always betraying their own when it suits them. Wolves in smiling sheep carcasses.

  4. That woman that thinks she is Nancy Pelosi is not Nancy Pelosi. Similar look, but not her. Body face mask. I get info through the military. Nancy was executed in Gitmo at 10:07 EST on 12/27/23. Check it out through the Gitmo channels.

  5. Queen Nancy is a pathological liar, just like dopey Joe Biden and Obummer. They’re stuck in lying mode. They never tell the truth about anything. I think queen Nancy is hittin’ the bottle (just like her hubby) most of the time.

  6. Drunks lie about everything. She can’t help herself. It’s the alcohol talking for her. That and being democrat . They have to lie to stay in power. What really makes me wonder is how so many can be that blind to the truth of them lies, when the truth is right in front of you. Go figure !!!

  7. It’s the FIRST TIME I’ve ever seen that show do honest reporting and ask relevant questions! How about we completely drop your woke Leslie Stale and do real reporting going forward.


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