I noticed something odd during the CNN Kamala interview…



Worst Administration Ever

According to these people, Trump did more out of office than they did IN office.


  1. Kameltoe’s VALUES are shit and she is the biggest liar saying her VALUES haven’t changed. What else is she going to say to get more votes? She’s accepting illegals, paying them with taxpayer money, she’s not going to let the Keystone pipeline start drilling. She’s not going to do anything about inflation because she doesn’t care if normal people have food or utilities to survive. WHAT DOES THIS BITCH CARE? SHE DOESN’T!!!! She will continue the destruction of our country that Obama and Biden started. Karma will be coming to her and the jackasses she is working for.

  2. When cackling Kammy burps that her values haven’t changed, she’s telling the truth. If she gets elected, she won’t close the border. The migrant invasion will continue unabated. She’ll keep our domestic energy production throttled. She doesn’t care if gas goes up to $10/gallon. She’ll go nuts with battery powered car mandates. She’ll institute a weapons embargo on our ally Israel. She’ll pour more money and weapons into Ukraine, which will likely result in WW3. She may even send US troops into Ukraine. The only new thing the bitch has to offer is Communist-style price controls. This will result in food shortages and black markets.

    • She will continue to say whatever it takes to get the vote, including plagiarizing Trump’s campaign promises and then she’ll revert back to her original BS policies once in office – make America Worse Again. A vote for this bitch is a vote for the continued destruction of America. Trump/Vance 2024!!!

    • Her talk about unrealized capital gains tax will end up being where everyone will have to pay into it because we all have to be “the same”. Nobody will be able to own anything. 401K’s will be destroyed. The American dream will no longer be something middle class and poor will ever attain.

  3. She is such a liar; it’s a waste of time to listen to her. She gave us the WORST economy when no matter how one doesn’t like Trump, he gave America the best economy in over 70 yrs.

  4. Commie is going to strengthen the Middle Class?! Now that she’s strengthened illegal aliens by giving the taxpayers’ money to them?

  5. Dopey Joe and Dr Fraudci should both be charged with treason and publicly hanged. It should be on TV so everyone can see it. But that’s never gonna happen. They’ll have to answer for their crimes in the hereafter.

  6. Millions of illegals is really safe for any country. China is a friend. DEI, CRT, Woke policies are good for children. EV’s are better than fueled vehicles, banning fracking, and depleting our oil reserve is smart, climate change is the number one threat to our country. I thought Trump was? Vaccine and mask mandates are necessary to control the virus. Uncontrolled spending will boost the economy. White Supremacy is rampant. Even though all people in the U.S. can go look for a job, go to school, get hired if their resume is better than someone else, crime and war is good for the country. Bailing criminals out of jail, especially by Harris, is important to even out the prisons. Do not expect criminals to commit crimes again. So, everyone that believes these are good policies, go ahead and vote Harris. Thosecthatbdo not. Vote Trump.

  7. it’s the pink and purple heads,
    mommy and daddy supported ones,
    females who see a female,
    and just plain stupid ones,
    who are going to vote for her,

  8. This woman didnt do anything at all as vice president, she wont do anything as president other than embarrass us completely. I think saying she is a sick politician is giving far too much credit. She is black and she is a woman. Now i know all you woke think this means we owe her our lives and undying gratitude bu try this is because the woke are incredibly stupid. They are Communists who just dont seem to understand that they are supporting people who loathe them and when they get these people in positions of power the woke power will disappear because their own candidates are despise their race their lifestyle. They believe everyone should have the same resources but no voice in government whatsoever. Meaning tyrone and she nay nay can sit around playing video games all day while doctors do 10 hours of surgery or a trucker away from his family weeks at a time work their asses off and everyone makes the same thing. The funny thing about communism is if the doctor or trucker challenge this set of rules by asking, free speech is no longer an option so you would be considered a traitor to the group for daring to question why old tyrone and sha nay nay make same money for being ignorant thieves and video game champs as you do and you get a 3 win a 3 year vacation to north Dakota re education resort where you hear speakers blaring the stupid woke rhetoric 24 hours a day while your working your 100 hour work week. In communist countries everyone knows you don’t return from work camps, you work until your dead then they fill the spot with some more woke idiots who didn’t realize they were cutting everyones throat and handing power over to people everybit as stupid as they are because thats who communists are. They want everything that even the ega rich have but they don’t want to expend any effort getting those things. So they call anyone who dares to tell them they have to work to get these things, racists. Soa racist now is any non black who works for a living, kamilla doesnt even understand what this work thing people talk about is. Shes at a loss, whsts the problem im black and a woman and everyone one gives me whatever i want. All my degrees i don’t work for them didnt you notice im a black female so i get everything i want. They going to make me prezididntn even though i cant spell it. Watch im going to give everyone a million dollars and none of us have to work anymore and we live happily ever after. Death to whitey. Oops sorry forced labor not death we still need them to work its just we ant the money they get for it. So in closing we dont work just give us the money and we treat uou like shit. Now remember we black so we intimidate we dont work, you work and we whine. Oos hold on, kamilla im writing your blog my stupid queen and i B think i have a good campaign slogan. You work and we whine. Perfect.

    • Wow, you really don’t have a clue what Communism is? They have dictators like Putin, Hitler and Kim. The same three that Trump idolizes. Show us where he has EVER said anything against them? Trump is the wannabe dictator, but the majority of Americans (even many Republicans) have no use for him. He’s irrelevant though, because voters will flush the orange turd again.

  9. Trump is an embarrassment to America. Don’t you love the senile orange turd when he starts rambling on about Hannibal Lechter, sharks and boat batteries, windmills and whales, wet rain, rigged elections, islands surrounded by water, etc, LOL!! The crazy bastard needs a padded cell. He is mentally and physically unfit to run a lemonade stand.Has there EVER been a bigger buffoon than Trump? He’s always been a total loser.

  10. I am willing to agree that Madam Harris is a grave menace to the survival of the USA , otherwise there should be no other problems … Millions of gullible voters, both legal and illegal, are likely go on a short break from tik tok, ball scores , rock concerts , idiotic talk shows and sundry tripe to elect her into the Presidency …
    expect runaway price inflation , riots , etc ..But no one seems to be worried ….”let the good times roll”…Money ? It will be printed on toilet paper for “dual utilization ” as the value of the dollar heads to oblivion!!!! …bottom line ? the American hoi polloi will have exactly the government they deserve !!! whoopee !

    • Get your facts in order. Firstly, speaking of printing money, Trump is the one who promised to balance the budget, but saddled us with an EIGHT TRILLION dollar additional deficit. Secondly, regarding inflation, I hope you are bright enough to know that neither Trump nor Biden nor ANY president tells companies what they can charge for their products.

  11. WTF? Has everyone forgot that Trump has always been a total loser? I’m not talking about his 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies. Let’s remember that Hillary got 3 million more votes, Biden flushed the orange turd without even campaigning or holding rallies, and Trump lost again in his failed Red Tsunami. What a useless sack of shit he turned out to be. No wonder so many Republicans are voting against the senile buffoon. Trump is a joke.

  12. It is completely obvious that DNC is controlled by those who want to destroy our country and constitution. There is no guarantee that Trump can fixed things, the only guarantee is that our country is finished if we continue on the same path. We are going in debt at a rate of 1 Trillion every 100 days. This is not sustainable. We went in debt under Trump, but he actually had an excuse, the Covid lockdowns (by the way, countries that had minimal restrictions actually had a better long term recovery). Also, under Biden / Harris we now have 85,000 missing immigrant children. No doubt that some of these children are either sweat shop slaves or sex slaves. Is this what Kamala Harris means when she says “Joy?” And when Harris wants to control “hate speech,” let’s make one thing perfectly clear – her definition of hate speech is any one who contradicts her narrative. And I did not know she was God and knows what is true and not true.


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