Insider Scoop De Niro’s Political Tirade Costs Him More Than Just an Award



I have a choice De Zero and my choice is Trump!! Trump 2024 MAGA

Thanks de Niro for helping President Trump get closer to the WH


  1. DeNiro acted like Biden – unhinged. Why do “so-called” celebrities” think we even care what they say? HELL NO. They don’t live in the real word and think they are better than the rest of us.

    • What Hollywood did do is make us not want to see their films ever again. They need to understand that they need to stay out of politics publicly and stick to what they do best, act like someone else. They can vote any way they want. That’s what we’re all about in America – get over it!

  2. Dah-niro. Is nothing but an actor playing someone hes not!! He thinks he is an asset to Biden, please let him talk it will help Trump cross the finishline faster!! The american people are now seeing what the dems are really like and will kill this country if they succeed, Look at what our country has become with the open borders!! They say the border is secured and in our control? Are they High? Those people are here to take your jobs!! This is how they will control us We the People must decide who will change us to a place like it was four or five years ago!! We had Money in your pocket, food was cheerer, we had Peace in the middle east, the world respected us. Why would ee continue flushing this country down the drain?! Lets band together and show congress and senate and the white house that They work for Us We the People and we are pissed off at whats been happening in our country and ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

  3. How is DeNiro the greatest actor ever when he plays the same character over and over again–himself. Never watched his movies. Couldn’t stand looking at his sneering face.

    • Agree! I’ve never seen any movie he’s ever been in because he’s a lefty loser just like the rest of Hollywood. Why did Ronald Reagan leave the party in Hollywood, Commies!

    • I do have to say that he was very good in The Godfather. I never saw Taxi Driver or any others so I can’t say how good he was after that.

  4. DeNiro needs to be in the same tiger cage that Jane Fonda should have been the last 50 years for her crimes against this country. Sunk up to his neck in the MeKong river

    • Love it 👏👏👏👏👏can’t stand that nasty b itch the thing deserved to be thrown into prison immediately on her return from being Hanoi Jane, but because she wasn’t it began a slippery slope into hell for America, it’s become useless dying AMERIKA!

    • They are has-beens. Nobody cares about them now, if they ever did. They have a need to be “useful” and are good at making fools of themselves in the process.

      • Besides, they have FU money and can afford to waste it on the democratic party. Maybe they should consider charitable causes and not themselves. Disappointed in some of the high dollar losers I thought were smarter than that.

  5. De Nuto is a godless ignorant fool that should go on a list! These rotten hollowwood fools that HATE AMERICA and do everything in their demon possessed power to destroy it need to get some “COUNSELING”! The kind they won’t easily forget!

  6. DaZero always wanted to be a mafiosa but traded it for da lefty screw and cries like da baby he really is money mouth for biteme BIDEN

  7. This is how these old has been actors get free publicity. Democrats are waiting in the wings to expose their psychotic narcissist life just to keep democrates from voting for Trump. But thanks to the democratic media giving these looses free publicity….more democrates are voting for Trump…thank you NUMNUTS DENIRO

  8. My wife is thai and listen to the thai news america is a joke to the rest of the world.they have nothing good to say about biden .how can the whole world see were a joke and so many americans will still vote for this idiot.


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