Jesse Watters: Trump shows up in Kamala Harris’ backyard



The people who created that debt were not the taxpayers they work a nd pay taxes. Before they hike up taxes on the workers they should be held accountable for wastfull spending in our govt.

Trump is energized, yes, like young man, brilliant man, smarter than most people in his age (78) while Harris is like Grandma (59) now, of course, with Tim Walz (60); the hero in this is JD Vance (40), he’s loved by America as America loves young people.


  1. Harold Ford Jr may want another debate but why should President Trump waste his time? The only way harris will agree to debate is if it’s another useless abc kamala harris pep rally. After going down in the polls after that supposed debate, I doubt her handlers will agree to another one, which is why they’re running to oprah.
    Harold, instead of calling out President Trump for not being able to answer your questions when he was busy fending off 3 liars, turn your disappointment towards muir and davis for not asking questions of substance.

  2. Cheerful, “lovable”, and totally INCOMPETENT Kamala Harris…now, if the country wasn’t in such a bad state, and the Dems hadn’t f’d up do much, maybe more people would (blindly) vote for them…maybe. But since the national debt is so high, interest rates are so high, interest payments on the national debt are so high, inflation is ridiculous, and unemployment is rising, while being overrun with illegal border crosses, homeless, and substance abusers, as well as sexual perverts and murderous abortionists, as our population gets less and less healthy–it is time to admit that Democratic Party policies, on all levels of government–have failed. There is no point EVER in voting for any Democratic Party candidate, running for any office, anywhere, EVER again. But too many msm-programmed sheep followers can’t seem to let go of their programmed prejudice against Trump (or any other great conservative leader), and so too many of them still (blindly) vote for Democratic Party candidates, in every election, for every office. Too bad…

  3. If These two Dems win this election this country is over the way we remember it .They want a socialist country so where do we go I would try and leave my country just don’t know where to go but I do know that my family would have to leave It’s a shame that some people would vote for these two Marxist idiots they are the definition of insanity Only God can help this country.

  4. Yes Ben, please leave. True facts. It’s great to see that since we flushed the orange turd we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, a stock market that has doubled since we told Trump to take a hike, higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate. For those babbling about high prices, you really thought that presidents tell companies what they can charge for their products? No wonder Trump loves stupid people! They actually swallow all the bullshit Trump feeds them. They even pay his legal bills. LOL !!

  5. All I can see is RED right now which equals STUPID! Thank God I live in a beautiful BLUE state close to the Mexican border! I just moved here from Michigan which is SUPPOSEDLY BLUE, but not the county I lived in! I got the hell out of there and will, indeed, escape this f-ed-up country if I have to! I have a practically brand-new, reliable vehicle (not American-made, BTW!) that’s fully paid for. I’m renting the house I live in, so, my cat and I can jump in the car with whatever we can take with us and flee the country! Yes, I love cats but am also a mom (a single mom at that!). My son is a grown 30-year-old man still living in Michigan. He said he would fly to NM and come with me if it gets as bad as it may no matter who wins the election! As long as The Donald and his cult-followers are still around there will be violence! Do any of you idiots have a clue as to the VIOLENCE that IS TRUMP and his FOLLOWERS? You know what I don’t care what happens to YOU or anyone else in this Godforsaken country! If GOD was going to “help” this country he would have done so by now! I know he’s with me ALWAYS and has my back! That’s all that matters! I’ve dedicated my life to helping others, especially those less fortunate than me. I have a bachelor’s degree in social work and truly loved and was 110 percent dedicated to helping others and this country, per se. I’m retired now and am somewhat “selfish” and it’s about time! So, all of you supposedly “faith-based political idiots” what have you or DJT done to serve “God” or help this country? Probably not as much as you could have! So, get busy and do something truly meaningful, because your days are numbered. This country is going to hell no matter who gets elected! You’re ALL living in a “bubble” that’s going to BURST very soon! Bye-bye!

    • Always hilarious to read ignorant posts by an atheist !!
      Has no idea about what she is talking about,!
      But that is typical of an uneducated ignorant communist Democrat cult member

      • Always interesting to listen to someone who is clueless about what communism really is, and who worships some imaginary god who only exists in his tiny mind. Right Lawrence? You are just another brainwashed MAGAt.

  6. Face facts. Trump was such a total fuck-up as president that you have to be braindead to want that moron back in office. At least the majority of Americans were intelligent enough to flush the orange turd after one disastrous term too many. Thank you, and thank god! Imagine having a loser like Trump for president whose only experience is in filing bankruptcy 6 times with 20 failed businesses. Looks like TRUMP MEDIA is almost broke now. That’s number 21.

  7. Time to face facts. Trump was such a total fuck-up as president that you have to be braindead to want that moron back in office. At least the majority of Americans were intelligent enough to flush the orange turd after one disastrous term too many. Thank you, and thank god! Imagine having a loser like Trump for president whose only experience is in filing bankruptcy 6 times with 20 failed businesses. Looks like TRUMP MEDIA is almost broke now. That’s number 21. How many times do we have to flush before shithead gets the message?


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