JUST NOW: UGLY Trump Rumors Spread + Biden forced out by Pelosi & Schumer


Stephen Gardner and Ivan Raiklin discuss:

Interview Summary with Ivan Raiklin – Former Green Beret and Lawyer

Ivan Raiklin

What is the mood of the RNC convention and what is the mood of Trump?

You’ve put significant time into tracking crimes, who Trump needs to go after criminally and legally and how to do it. Was this assassination attempt really just a 20 years old man with a chip on his shoulder or was this a coordinated attempt to remove the deep states biggest enemy?

I want to play a clip form Joy Reid of MSNBC. She is claiming she things Trump orchestrated this attack in order to get the inconic photo of him bleeding under the American flag

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What should happen to the director head of secret service Kim Cheatle?

I’m reading Department of Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas is working behind the scenes to keep Kim Cheatle from testifying to congress. Perhaps a pass to skip just as Mayorkas and Merrick Garland have been kept from consequences of breaking the law. Thoughts.

Is Biden going to step down or continue his run against Trump?

I’m reading this morning that Biden is seriously asking if he drops out and throws his weight, money and delegates behind Kamala if she can beat Trump. Thoughts

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders is calling on Jill Biden to force Biden out and says this is Elder Abuse that the whole country is being forced to watch.

Jim Jordan announced a Whistle Blower have come forward saying Secret Service was spread thin because Jill Biden wanted to go to an event and they shifted resources off a former president to a current first lady. Does secret service need to hire more people or whats the real issue?


we need to guard our voting station to make sure illegals are not voting .

Trump is family of the U.S.A! We must protect President Donald Trump so he can protect US.


  1. It’s TIME to STOP airing the View’s comments and GIVING them “celeberty” status as if what they say is important when they are all PAID Propagandists!
    AND NOW, i am disconnecting to sites who’s reporting I valued at the beginning who now just want to waste my time on what ‘stupid’ people say! WHO cares what stupid people say!

  2. You have to be some kind of illiterate to believe that this was a setup by Trump,if he didn’t move his head when he did the Trump supporters would be in mourning right now,Joy Reid along with the rest of those morons need to be ashamed of themselves because a family man was murdered and others critically injured,are we to believe that didn’t happen,she’s a sub human with a sick twisted mind just like her liberal nitwits

    • Joy Reid and the other morons would be celebrating if the assassination had been successful. They have no shame and certainly no morals. They are spawns of the devil. Unfortunately, they are sensationalized every time they open their mouths. They have sh*t-for-brains, therefore diarrhea of the mouth.

    • If Trump doesn’t win the election (by cheating or another attempt on his life), it most likely won’t be in our lifetime – the left’s DOJ won’t let that happen as well as all the Dem crooks in Congress. They will do whatever it takes to stay in power.

  3. Democrats will go to any length to win. Not ruling out assignation. You can see how the tables turned on their own Joe Biden. These people have tongues sharper than two edged swords. It’s time for conservatives from all over unite and watch each other’s backs to save our country from this socialist takeover. Remember the guy who ran against Putin, nobody but his mother does.

  4. The answer is HELL NO!! They do NOT need more people…..they have 8000 employees to protect 33 people!!! THIRTY THREE! Do the math.


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