Kamala Harris Atlanta Rally Goers WALK OUT During Her Speech After TRASHY TWERK Rap Concert ENDS!



Trump did not pull out from the debate, Biden did.

Trump didn’t agree to debate you, he agreed to debate fjb. Weird? your party is weird, obiden’s whole administration is weird.


  1. Weird vs Freakish. Can’t wait to see at the Fox debate and we hope some twerking will be going on! Get your booty to the pole! Is this the new norm?

    • She only became black when she and the Democrats thought that it would make her more popular with real blacks. It ain’t working, blacks can see right through her fake tactics. Methinks that they are beginning to see what the left really is.

  2. Correct, cackling Kammy is not black. She lied when she said Trump pulled out of the debate. He did not. He debated dopey Joe and dopey Joe lost. He will debate cackling Kammy on Sept 4. And cackling Kammy will lose too.

  3. Donald Will wipe the floor with teleprompter Kamala. She can’t handle interviews, and she can’t talk impromptu much like her mentor Joe. Without a script you get cackling word salad from 25% black Kamala.

    • You give her that much percentage with an Indian mother and a Jamaican father? I give her zip, unless some of Willie’s rubbed off on her.

  4. Uhhh…, “booty’ IS more important than Kamala Harris’ positions (well, her ‘policy’ positions, there are other ‘positions’ she’s assumed in her quest for power which have been important, right, Willie Brown…)”. She’s been selling her booty for advancement as long as she’s been in the game. She’s also well aware that a review of her past policies and behaviors would not be helpful to her claim for the Black Vote. So, yeah, regale the audience with a freak-show twerk-fest. Keep them darkies happily distracted, right, Kamala? Heck, most of ’em don’t even know what a computer looks like, right? If they did, they could look up your actual ethnicity as well as your policies and that would not be helpful to you, would it?

    In fact, were I black, I think I would be really offended by Kamala’s posturing and pretending. She isn’t “black”. That’s a newly discovered (one might say “appropriated”) ethnicity. What she is in actuality is a descendant of one of the biggest slave owners in the Western Hemisphere, but them darkies ain’ gonna know dat, huh, KAHM-uh-LAH, nots if you puts on dat fake, semi-literate, black accent, give ’em a bit a’ patois, an’ distract ’em wid a bittuh butt shakin’. In reality, however, as an Indian-American (from India, NOT Amerindian/Native American), Kamala has long aligned herself with Gandhi’s opinion of Blacks – “troublesome, very dirty, and (they) live like animals”, an attitude she may not have shared with Willie Brown, when she was bangin’ him for power, but one that was on full display during her time as California’s Attorney General, as was so well laid out in Tulsi Gabbard’s savaging of her during the 2020 Democratic primaries. Put the animals in jail and keep ’em there, right, Kamala?

    But let’s face it, nothing is more absurd than Kamala Harris claiming that, if you’ll elect her, she’ll “fix the border” – never mind that the border was fixed under Trump, then she and Joe dismantled it, opened the floodgates, and then, when people got upset (incl. a lot of black folk who got to find out that they were second-class citizens to our new arrivals), she was made “Border Czar” and… did absolutely nothing to fix it in 3 years in that role (a role she now claims she didn’t really have – that musta been someone else…). Anyone dumb enough to buy that deserves this woman (and anyone dumb enough to believe that “almost every seat was full” at her rally likewise deserves her – look at the place and asked why the cameras never “panned” the crowd). It’s actually kind of embarrassing seeing how little respect the D’s have for their black voters. They genuinely think that blacks will buy any BS they toss their way.

  5. Black people will believe anything. A black person tells them. I wonder if they will ever get a brain on their own and actually learn how to maybe look up some things to find out the truth about the Democrat party. Some do sure, but obviously there are very many too high and just believe everything black people tell them.

    • It seems you’ve tripped over your white sheet/pointy-hat costume, landing on your pointy-little-head, once too often. You’re living proof that ignorance is not restricted to race.
      It would be almost impossible to find a more racist statement then you just wrote.

      • Did you trip over your Hunter Biden crack pipe and hit your head?You are clearly seeing something other than what the rest of the world is seeing.

  6. Oh yes, cackling Kammy insisted dopey Joe was sharp as a tack, on top of everything and a real dynamo. KJP burped, “I can barely keep up with him”. Those were all lies. Another lie; Kammy is black. She ain’t black. Anyone with eyes can see that. Kammy is of Indian descent. I don’t understand why blacks predominately vote for Democraps. Democraps wanted slavery; the Republicans fought against slavery. Poor blacks were sent to fight LBJ’s Vietnam war.

  7. I am so glad they endorsed her,she hasn’t been to the border EVER and has dipshits twerking at her events in Atlanta and folks are walking out?Nobody in this country going to buy her getting 81M votes at 2am,this will result in a Civil War,clearly somebody is pulling her strings.This election should be an epic wake up call for Democrats.Nobody buying your bullsh*t anymore,even your own people are jumping ship.

  8. First, the person who attributed their foul language comment to Mr. Trump is not truthful. If you have a point, use your own name!

    Second, why is having Africa heritage being so demeaned? I find that being defined by my skin pigmentation is demeaning!

  9. This headline is actually misleading, IMO…. lol, people left after the person who they showed up for was done performing.

  10. We’ll see how cocky she is when she’s standing on the stage w/DJT without a teleprompter. She will get destroyed. She doesn’t know what she stands for….brain dead loser.

  11. how much did they pay the people that are shown in this video to be there ! surely they aren’t stupid enough to believe a word she say’s ! even if they are suffering from failed brain surgeries they are still breathing so they must have enough brain left to see through her BS !


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