Kamala Harris just made a HUGE MISTAKE.



Kamala would be a huge mistake FKH! FJB! MAGA! Trump 2024!

Don’t care what the fumbling, stumbling Dems do. I am definitely voting for Trump in November. Who is with me?


  1. I AM VOTING FOR TRUMP, NO DOUBT. And the “silent”+ majority will be a surprise come November. Can’t wait, time is of the excellence.. Standup against the socialist and communist. I never thought i would have to say those two groups here in AMERICA.. If you love how the last four years have been for you, then vote the harris group in. I’m not…

  2. How can any one love the past 4 years? It has been one lie after another, failing to do their jobs, siding with terrorist and ILLEGALS over Americans, giving every thing to ILLEGALS and cutting veterans, making tax payers pay for students who signed for the loan, causing massive inflation, trying to remove rights granted by the constitution, making America the most disrespected country in the world. Way to go democrats. Remember the democrat party is the very one who had an great man and president murdered, one of their own JFK.

  3. America needs to WAKE UP!!!!!! The Dems/Socialists are running a hostile takeover of America. They control the government and the police, they want to tell you what you can and can’t say, they want your guns but THEY sure as hell want protection, they don’t want us to have gas cars, gas stoves, gas heat. They want all these illegal immigrants that are running free here to vote for them. The illegals have our tax dollars and we had NO SAY. This is pure socialism. This is crazy. Please WAKE UP!!!!

  4. Just finished watching our chief of Police and how these illegals are coming here and killing people, robbing people, sexually abusing our Children and who is responsible for this? Cameltoe! She should be in jail. She should not have the right to be running for President which I would never vote for this POS. Wake up America if you don’t we will no longer have our freedom. If you vote for her we will be living in communism.

  5. Many people do not get cable perhaps the Republicans should pay for all to get FOX thru the election so the truth can happen and elect Trump.

  6. I am voting for Kamala. She will win and Trump will lose. You will all be sad. Good riddance. And guess what? She is not a communist.

    • Well Jim , it’s a free country and you can vote for whomever you like. I feel your response was written to just trigger an angry response or two, while you sit back and laugh. The behavior you display is typical of an arrogant asshole. You’re a braindead waste of flesh and blood who thinks he is the smartest person in the room, in other words you’re a “dickweed” And yes the “fellatio queen of California” is a socialist radical who should return to the brothel from where she came! How’s that? Angry enough for ya Jimmy Boy?

    • Stupidity is strong with this one !!
      She is in communist Democrat party!! Which means she is COMMUNIST!

      How many of the 10 million ILLEGALS have you taken in ??. So you are ok with your tax dollars going to illegals rather than to Americans!!
      The POS border czar has let over 10 million ILLEGALS in! None vetted, none vaccinated!! Thugs, murderers, terrorists and rapists !! And in your stupidity you approve??
      How about gas prices doubled !
      Grocery prices up 25-25 percent.
      Rampant crime in cities!!
      No wars under Trump! Several under the weak regime of Biden !
      Want me to go on ??

      The Democrat cult is so stupid that you could put piece of dog feces on ballot and Democrats would vote for it !!
      ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary

    • No, she’s far worse than being a Commie, she’s an out and out MARXIST, you richard head! Heels Up Harris must have sore knees after all that kneeling to get where she is today! There’s a word for people like her!

  7. Liberal extermination is the answer.
    If evolution would have been left alone, we wouldn’t have this problem. The weak and stupid need to perish.
    The new dictionary will have Democrats synonymously defined with idiot, stupid, naive, pathetic and si on.

  8. Kamal Harryass is left of Joseph Stalin. Her pick for president of Vice is no better. I worry that this country will not survive four more years of worse than Creepy sleepy poopy pee-pants Pedo Joe. We NEED Mr. Trump and CONSERVATIVE Republicans to straighten out the mess the Demon-crats and RINO’s have gotten us into. The crazies in congress (AOC, ect.) need to be removed and someone sane elected.

  9. Interesting that so many uninformed voters will cast this most important thing we can do in our lifetime to a convicted felon, a liar, a blow hart who for some off reason captives them. I would cast my vote for Mickey Mouse before I would ever vote for Mr. Trump.

    • The Dems are even much worse….they just aren’t charged with their crimes bc the justice dept is in their pockets and refuse to do it. They even got us into 3 wars! You asshole voters need to wake up!

    • Patricia, do you speak and understand Mandarin or Chinese or whatever those red devils speak? Because that is what America will come to if IDIOTS LIKE YOU get their way and elect Kamala and Tampon Tim.Main stream media like MSNBC and CNN have you brainwashed, if you even have a brain,which by your comments I seriously doubt. Our enemies around the world are laughing about the weakness of our current administration, they weren’t laughing in 2019! WAKE UP you dumb bitch!


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