Kamala Harris LASHES OUT After ABC REJECTS Her Campaign Attempting To RIG Debate Against Trump!



The same people telling you “Trump is scared” and “kamala will ‘mop the floor’ with Trump”, are the same people who told you, “Biden is sharp!! Biden is at his best!! Behind closed doors… _TRUST_ ME BRO!”

Hillary 10 times smarter than Harris and Trump stomped Hillary in a debate.


  1. What pathetic, chickenshit, comrade harris has become, afraid to debate, pure ignorance, on her part. She isn’t smart enough to debate, biut sure likes to run her mouth, about it.

  2. Dear Lord KAMALA is The Greatest and ONLY HOPE 🙏👍to SAVE AMERICA 🇺🇸 and the rest of the World 🌎 From a Future?? TRULY TRUMPsy DIVINE?? DICTATORSHIP 👎👎✅

    • JAG you should not use that handle, you don’t have the brains to be ” JAG”. Kamels ass will only destroy America and follow her dictators, Biden’s, policy and turn America into a commie country run by China and a wanted felon Sorros. Who has been told do not come home because you will be killed as soon as your foot touches ground. You must love being the supporter of traitors.

    • you can’t believe anything the dems say. Trump is a smart man and he loves our country. You hear all the socialist remarks coming out of her mouth. She says” I believe in an opportunity economy. where people can drive a car and own a home without paying anything for it if they quailify.How do we qualify? One where certain ones of us pay our tax money to care for the people she is trying to bring up. Damn it she should bring me up. The biggest problem I see is she wants to give give give from my meager little check. That is when our country will be gone. Funding illegal migrants with $150,000 to buy a home in California. Is it one of those tiny homes.

      • Its not just for them. It’s for 1st time home buyers but they can’t discriminate against anyone’s status. It’s is an interest free loan. Homes here cost over $400.000. I’m not for it btw!

    • Kamala and tampon tim are communist!! If you vote for them you are voting to destroy America!!
      Jag off needs to pull his head of of his rectum and try THINKING! Course you have to have ability to think which Jag and others in democrat cult aren’t capable of !!

    • Yes, JAG is right. The last thing America needs is a lying traitorous POS wannabe dictator like Trump. What a clueless imbecile Trump turned out to be. An embarrassment to the Republican party and to America.

  3. There is another i could NEVER trust Not all blacks still think like the dem KKK and can think for them self and dont have to listen to fake news and there liars

  4. Why on earth would I vote for people who have raised prices on everything..? They promise to fix everything if elected…what’s wrong with fixing it right now..? After all comrade Harris is second in command of the whole country..I don’t trust your “promises “ ..why is the border still wide open..you were put in charge of that..saw it on t.v. So that makes everything that comes out your mouth a fat lie…I don’t think she could operate a outhouse unless she carried tampon Tim in there to show her what to do and wipe her butt for her

  5. Anyone who votes for Kamala hates the USA. Some are stupid because they can’t see what she really is and some are the ‘who-cares’ bunch who probably go in and vote eeny meeny miney mo.

    • Jag is president of the communist democrats ” who cares” bunch who would vote for a piece of dog feces of you put “D” by it

  6. Lord Jesus Christ will help Trump to win NOV 2024 and to help restore democracy to the US and sanity – Trump improve the economy, safe borders, freedom of speech, rights to protect ourselves with guns – these are all part of the constitution. Biden-Harris destroyed the border and economy and the goal is to curtail citizens rights as afforded in the US constitution – and they lied many times over. ACCORDING TO MY CHRISTIAN BELIEFS AND THE TRUE WORD OF GOD IN THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES AND TEACHINGS, Lord Christ will grant that All the current evil leaders will have their CAREERS destroyed by GOD our ALMIGHT RULER in LORD JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR. One of the 10 commandments of the TRUE GOD is ‘YOU WILL NOT LIE”. GOD BURNS THE SPIRITS and with that their REPUTATION HISTORICALY of ALL LIARS who hurt God’s people and destroy God’s commandments into eternal HELLFIRE built for Satan the devil the father of lies on the last day of JUDGEMENT DAY before the throne of LORD JESUS CHRIST THE ABSOLUTE JUDGE. GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED WITH PROFAME AND IMMORAL LEADERS. HARRIS who gave physical favors to Mayor Willie a married man when he was 60 and she 59 to gain higher jobs

    • Yes, I’m sure God loves Trump. So much so that he flushed the orange turd in the last election. Why would God care that he cheats on every wife, grabs pussies and bangs porn stars, and is a sex offender? DUH!! However Trump also proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology and running the country. No wonder the majority of Americans canned the Trumpster dumpster at the first opportunity they had.

  7. Yea these strong women debating and wanting notes etc. I believe it was another strong woman who needed to have the questions provided to her. I guess tomorrow we will find out if she is this SUPPOSED strong woman or not.

  8. this is a great time to get this issue.

    democrats are always getting singer, actors who are for them, but that does not compare you with them, they are rich, you are not, they can pay the prices and pump the gas they want or whatever, so the people must make their own mind and vote for the right candidate that will be able to get our country of the abyss we have been put thru by democrats, Kamala is not that person, and neither Tappoon Tim, two big lairs and two big coward. they have private planes, you cant afford a used car. or buy food for your kids or yourself.

  9. Kammy can’t debate. She’s an airhead; an idiot. The best thing for her to do is renege on the debate and then blame it on Trump. Her supporters admit they have no idea what she stands for, yet will vote for her anyway. That says it all. Instead of listening to her cackling, they should listen to Donald Trump. His policies will actually improve their lives.

  10. Don’t ask the dear Lord to help a person who is against God‘s law of humanity and morals. Harris Kennaugh waltz are hypocrites communist and idiots.

    • I’m a conservative who (like many Republicans) does not support a lying corrupt POS like Trump. Trump is a loser. Women aren’t necessarily voting FOR Harris. They are voting AGAINST Trump and Vance because they are derogatory towards women with their actions and words. Trump has 5 kids with 3 wives that he has cheated on, wants to take away women’s rights to their bodies, likes to grab pussies and bang porn stars, etc. Vance says women with cats or no children should not be allowed to vote. Can you blame women for voting against such turds?

  11. The joke (Trump) is over. It’s time for the GOP to find a leader that voters respect instead of a lying corrupt traitorous POS wannabe dictator like Trump. He has almost totally destroyed the GOP> Look how many Republicans want to flush the orange turd.

  12. While Republican lawmakers are publicly supporting former President Donald Trump, in private many of them are reportedly hoping he goes down in defeat to Vice President Kamala Harris this fall. Should he lose to Harris this fall, the thinking goes, “he would once again insist he was cheated and hold out the possibility of a fourth consecutive bid, prolonging the party’s capture.” Additionally, Republicans say that they like their chances of winning elections in 2026 much better should Trump not be in the White House. He is a liability and is destroying the party.


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