Kamala Harris spotted in very odd moment! Look at her hands.



She is the scariest candidate in US history.

Is her alcoholism getting worse by each passing day?


    • Meanwhile Trump kisses Putin’s ass. There has never been a bigger joke than Trump for president. He’s turned into a senile old fool who can’t finish a sentence without lying, bragging or getting off topic, like all his nonsensense about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, sharks & boat batteries, whales and windmills, rigged elections, nuking hurricanes, wet rain, islands surrounded by water, toilet flow, etc. He’s an f’nn lunatic.

    • YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. She is communist,Fascist, Marxist, Maoists, Progressives and Chinese communist for over 35 Years. She is involved, She has Been a fellow travelers of Marxist, Communists etc, etc.
      She looks a dangerous woman.

  1. I think cackling Kammy is either drunk or high on drugs most of the time. There’s something seriously wrong. Remember the coke baggie that was found in the White House and then hushed up? It makes one wonder, doesn’t it? The Democraps keep talking about “our democracy”, but they are the ones who want to turn our country into a third world, Communist cesspool.

    • I agree. People need to ask themselves
      “Am I better off today under the dumacrats way of running our country “ or “was I better off when Trump was our president”
      I choose President Trump any day!!

    • I think the guy in this video is creating a stupid narrative. Just because she’s holding the phone to her ear with earbuds on does not mean she’s trying to talk through or listen to the phone. Her earbud was probably falling out or not seated well. But you guys seem to grasp at anything to sow hatred. I mean please…. All this over earbuds??

  2. WOWsy WOW
    At least She has her hands 🙌 UP for You AssSouls So She is able to Really BLOCK Your Repeated SHIT 💩 from Hitting HER again ON HER OWN CLEARLY CLEAN 🧼 FACE with all of YOUR CRAZY CRYPTO CRAP 💩 💩🤮🤮🤣👎👎✅

  3. Wanted to debate only on ABC. Her good friend is associated with ABC.
    Only spend about 16 minutes talking about her no platfirm.
    Copies many things President Trump says.
    No variable evidence she ever worked at McDonald’s.
    A very sad candidate for the dems.

  4. Kate McDonald or Burger King or Wendy at least her Mon raised her as a hard working single Mom, unlike the fat old pig HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY, Who was born with a Golden spoon up his Ass LOL.

    • Yes, what an clueless incompetent a$$hole Trump turned out to be. Haven’t people noticed that POS wannabe dictator Trump has never said one bad word about his idols; Putin, Hitler or Kim Yung Un? The last thing America needs is that raving lunatic in power again. At least the majority of Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd after one term too many. Trump is a senile old fool and a lying corrupt wannabe dictator. An embarrassment to America.

      • ” When a lib KNOWS he has LOST he resorts to name calling ” Margaret Thatcher.
        ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!’ Hillary Clinton.
        Congrats Jag, Elias and Trump is a joke ?!

        It is hilarious seeing these uneducated ignorant libs so scared of Trump they pee their pants while hiding behind their keyboard in Mommy’s basement

        • The only ones in the basement are Biden and Hyena Kamala! She can’t even speak for herself, has to have a script! And she sure can’t protect this country, only laugh like a hyena!

        • Wow.. saying democrats resort to name calling and then proceed to call them a bunch of names. You’re quite special aren’t you?

      • Trump cares about people, you Demon Craps are the children of Satan
        And don’t t care you financially cause riots and the death o an old Black Detective and 3 small children.
        Then Hair Ass wanted to pay their bail

  5. People amaze me..why on earth would I vote for a party or person who has cost me and my family big money..at the grocery store, gas pumps, insurance etc. ..you can only call Trump some ridiculous name ..
    not one thing he has done against the citizens of this country ..but democrats and rinos witch their regressive policies from the deep stink government are trying to destroy this country..I would have to be some kind of idiot to vote for more punishment from liars who only make promises of what they are going to do when they are already in charge..so what’s wrong with doing it now..fix what’s wrong now..you won’t cause
    your lying again that’s why

  6. Cackling Kammy burped, “We won’t go back”. Well, I want to go back to affordable fuel prices, no wars, no open border, and no migrant invasion. That’s why I’m voting for Trump.

  7. I’m a conservative who (like many Republicans) does not support a lying corrupt POS like Trump. Trump is a loser. Women aren’t necessarily voting FOR Harris. They are voting AGAINST Trump and Vance because they are derogatory towards women with their actions and words. Trump has 5 kids with 3 wives that he has cheated on, wants to take away women’s rights to their bodies, likes to grab pussies and bang porn stars, etc. Vance says women with cats or no children should not be allowed to vote. Can you blame women for voting against such turds? Time to flush the orange turd and get a leader that voters respect!

  8. You know what really sickens me, it’s when you know the Real news, not the lies the Dems only Let you hear on CNN, NBC, ect that is edited so the Brain washed viewers can run around with their Clicks and continue to be Trump haters. Of ALL the corrupt Lies, Treason of the US by taking Millions from China, Russia, ect, and jailing Innocent people just for being on the Capitol property…Dems need to be removed from ANY and all govt offices, especially Judges, Pres., VP, Senate..Oh, watch RAV news and hear real news


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