Kamala HUMILIATED on CNN: Dems SCRAMBLE to Contain the Fallout!



Harris is the silent film actress whose career ended with silent films. As soon as people heard her talk she was done.

If she wants to close the border, WHY DIDN’T SHE CLOSE IT ALREADY?


  1. Because she’s lying. Once elected, she’d say “Just kidding, fools!” But idiots will still vote for her and then bitch about everything wrong once she’s in office…and the saga continues. The Kamala voters are beyond the “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”. They just don’t get it.

      • Typical career politicians, they are why I hated politics. I’m 55& watched politicians say one thing to one state or even city& something else to the next, then don’t do anything for anyone once elected. The Democrats keep running on Unity but put everyone in groups like blk, Hispanic, men, women, Jewish etc voters. We are supposed to be One Country United Under God. Absolutely LOVE that Republican independents&Democrats are Uniting into MAGA because it’s not one person, one party, one group it’s an Ideal of Every American,Truly Uniting As One& Putting America& Every Citizen First. Not putting everyone in subgroups by race, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation etc It’s not even about party anymore it’s about a movement that’s going forward not back like the Democrats/Elites/Legacy News/Celebrities want you to believe. It’s going forward because not for over a century has The US Government put its Citizens& Country First. Too many citizens have watched our Government has handed out trillions to noncitizens- other countries as our citizens are homeless, hungry, can’t afford life saving treatments, work their butts off only to have to hand over 30% to taxes to a government that gives it away across the world. We watch noncitizens get free education in our country, free business& home loans, watch our vets living on the streets mental/health issues they can’t afford to pay for. We have over 2M citizens locked in cages incarcerated to rehabilitate but no money going to rehabilitate them. They sit locked up for up to 23hrs a day, serving them mostly carbs& sugar& no physical activity so they have many health issues tax payers are paying for. Many have waited decades on waiting lists for drug/alcohol treatment or even be able to go to a AA/ NA Meeting.They are put on very strong drugs instead of mental health counseling which most if not all sufer from. It would be very easy to rehabilitate them with tools we learned from COVID. Give them laptops with access to legal services/courts/cases & message lawyers, access to mental& health care virtual appointments& AA/NA virtual meetings, access to education from GED to PHD/Masters/ Technical Colleges Etc classes on how to budget their bills& assets. Have online jobs to pay back the prisons/restitution/ courts/things they need in prison and help support their families instead of their families needing welfare or other public assistance. When they show progress they courts can have a Second Look Sentence Hearing to evaluate their process& release them early or give them a list of things they want them to do to be released early. People grow out of crime& most people were young before their brain fully developed after their 25th birthday, they had mental/emotional/drug/ alcohol issues at the time of the crime. Some never committed a crime but 1 split second reaction ruined their whole life. America has the most incarcerated serving the longest sentences in the world because we have a judicial& prison system that’s been broken for many decades. However if we put America& out citizens first we could fix it. Allowing inmates laptops with access to medical/mental/legal/ education/employment opportunity & access to pay bills for themselves & their families, pay their restitution & order healthy foods& supplements etc could not only turn their lives around, but keep their families intact& not dependent on a welfare system Get a Second Chance to be a real productive member of society. All we need to do is provide them with the tools& when they get out they would already have arranged a place to live have a bank acct to buy a vehicle, have a job that they had in prison an education to get a new job if they wanted and the mental/education resources they found in prison. We spend trillions a year on the cost of incarcerating over 2M citizens that are offered nothing but sitting in a cage, unhealthy food, no access to things that would really make a difference to their lives& their families. We make the families also suffer from their mistakes and the taxpayers pay for a never ending system that can easily be helped if we put the Citizens and America first MAGA

  2. Kammie, things are worse than I thought. Drop out of this “race”, tell doug it’s been real, and go straight to the studios of the Adult Video Industry and register that (at least at this point) hot body. You still have that to be proud of, but there’s nothing else you can fall back on.

    Imagine a blockbuster film debut with you and AOC as co-stars — it’ll be the rage of the decade, and the two of you will have found your TRUE NICHE.

  3. She and Biden are not Democratic, they are Communistic. Socialist ideas that will destroy America with no regrets. No sympathy or respect are deserved. They will continue until they are STOPPED. They will never come to their senses.

    • Trump is the one who kisses Putin’s ass, brags about his love for Kim Yung Un, and quotes Hitler. It’s easy to see why the majority of Americans flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. Trump has always been a total loser.

      • Quit watching Mainstream Media. They lied to the American people about Covid. Biden, Harris, Dr. Fauci all put down Trump. Said a vaccine would take years. Wrong. Got approved. Dr. Fauci has been funded and does have influence with NIH for years. He also should be held for his bad decisions about Covid. Along with the WHO and CDC. Trump said China Virus. The Mainstream Media, and Biden White House called that misinformation. With help from Zuckerberg, according to him, was told to silence Conservative speech. Trump sent a ship with beds, masks, vaccines, doctors to New York while Cuomo sent infected patients into nursing homes. Then wrote a book on how great he was. Trump visited N.K. for the first time by a U.S. President in hopes to deescalate a possible war against South Korea. Biden destroyed Alaskan Pipeline workers jobs. Biden, not Trump, helps Russian pipelines. Destroys our Energy Independence. Afghanistan disaster. Trump gets invited to a ceremony. Not Biden or Harris. Joe did get bribed by China, Ukraine, and is the big guy. Have shown checks, phone calls, travel vouchers. FBI conveniently hid Hunter’s laptop for months. Threatened the Computer repairman. Mar-Lago raid was unconstitutional. Unnecessary. Documents planted. Documents that were there, Trump has authority. Vice President Biden. None. Careless storage. January 6 nonsense. Trump said go peacefully. Period. The Secret Service, Capitol Police, FBI all received information weeks before of possible trouble. Ignored. Trump did not jump at limousine driver. And, people were their to cause trouble. Trump supporters, BLM, Antifa, Proud Boys, others. Capitol Police watched people break windows and walked away. Doors were open. Some people were there. Older lady prayed. Arrested. Stupid. Misinformation about Officer Sicknick being hit by fire extinguisher. January 6 Committee was a show. People on the Committee are known liars and hate Trump. Hillary destroyed laptop, hard drive, phone records. Hillary also hired people to push Russia lies. Same with January 6 Committee. I see a pattern. The only people backing up the facts with video evidence, and statements made by the corrupt people are The First News, NewsMax, IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters. Which also provides evidence, that according to the DVRA was corrupt. Any person can verify that. Also, Biden, Harris, and Walz are Socialist, Communist, Marxist, believers. Their terrible policies show they have more intent on helping non-citizens, then American citizens. Citizens deserve protection and strength from their government. It’s not debatable. Just like citizens pay their taxes, require car insurance, work permits, Birth Certificate, or Family Registry if from outside the U.S., Green Card. Driver’s license to drive. The government has that obligation to protect citizen’s, first. Well these politicians and bureaucrats have failed by allowing illegal immigration by the millions. Criminal. They are the threat to Free Speech, fair elections, fair voting, with ID. Not allowing criminals, illegal or not, to take over are cities. Bad prosecutor Harris and Governor Walz have no problem defunding the Police.Plain stupid Reckless.

  4. Trump humiliates himself by always sticking his foot in his mouth. He’s an embarrassment to America. It’s too bad that Trump turned out to be such a dumb useless POS. I voted for him in 2016 thinking he was a smart businessman. Then found out he’s had 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses, and stiffs almost every contractor he’s worked with. I don’t care that he cheats on every wife, grabs pussies and bangs porn stars, but he proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology and running the country. Voters flushed him after that, and again in his failed Red Tsunami, and he is even worse now with his crazy rants and insults. What a joke he turned out to be.


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