Lara Trump SHOCKS the RNC | Trump Furious, demands lawsuits NOW!!



I am 87 years old. If I make it to November it will be the third time I vote for our real President, Donald Trump.

Who else can’t wait to vote TRUMP ?


  1. You have to be very nieve to not believe that the corrupt,anti-american Demonrats are going to rig this election,they got away with it in 2020 so why not again,thier corruption knows no bounds and without voter I.D. it’s going to be a cheat fest for them


    • One thing I am a Christian and Trump is a bad, bad man. If u have ur eyes close u would know what he did in the last 4 yrs. He cage children and adults and he is such a child calling peoples name. A Christian would not vote for this man if u are really a Christian. My sister husband is a Pastor and he knows what Trump did. So has far has I am concern of our country he will take everything away from us, do u get it. A true Christian who believe in God witch I do, I don’t believe that God would put someone like Trump in office.

      • Phony Christian or else ignorant one !! Obama pur children in cages!!
        A christian COULD NOT And WOULD NOT vote for the satanic Democrat party !!
        Democrats support abortion, infanticide, transgender, drag queens in school, porn in school libraries, 70+ genders, child mutilation, rampant crime just to name a few !! ALL ARE SATANIC !!
        EDUCATE yourself!!

      • As a true Christian woman, I challenge your statement. As a true Christian, I pray for insight to the truth and for God to expose the evil. Unfortunately, by what you have stated, all you appear to have done is listen to mainstream media, which James, have been exposed as being very liberal. President Trump did not build those cages at the border. That was something President Obama did, assumably to protect the women and children coming into this country against being trafficked or abused. Another claim of your Christianity I am having is that you so adamantly back a party who not only wants abortions of innocent unborn babies but is using that as their main and only platform. Please explain as a Christian, how you are backing a party that goes against and pushes for the breaking of the sixth commandment. I’m not sure where your broth-in-law pastors or what denomination you are but Jesus calls us to love on another but to also call out each other’s sins. Take a deep look at everything the democratic party is pushing, lawlessness, abortions, mutation of children, satanism and so many other evils and explain sir, where in the Bible it says any of those things are ok. Prayers for you and your family that the Lord open your eyes to truth.

        • 👍👍👍as I said iny post you can’t be a Christian AND support the satanic Democrat party!!
          You are lying to God and yourself!! I wouldn’t go there!!!

      • That is all propagada from democrats. if you are better off today that you were 4 years ago vote for her. Because the policies that are in there now will only be more progressived if Kamala gets in there.

  3. What is despicable is no people have been held irresponsible for the lies about COVID, the BLM riots, the destruction of those businesses, people hurt and killed. Harris bailed some of the BLM and Antifa out. Now she is allowed to run for President! Flooded the borders. Saw in Aurora, Colorado, Venezuelan Gang take over a apartment complex. I think, Biden, and Harris, plus the people making these stupid decisions should be in front of a judge. Why would anyone support these people. Much less vote for them to be President? Walz has also been influenced by China. Let violence and destruction happen in Minneapolis. Now he is being allowed to run for Vice President. Same with the FBI and Secret Service. The Female Director resigned. What about Wray? Garland? They were quick to lie about Trump. Well, now it’s their turn. And these are facts. They screwed up. Cost lives. Unaccountability. They blew it. All Wray has to say is, “Will check on it.” No. Get your rear end to that place. Today. Some one else should examine the situation. Outside the FBI. Outside the DOJ. That way the facts can be gathered. Mainstream Media needs to be investigated. Why they keep lying. Unaccountable. Quit letting this happen.

    • A “real christian” would not judge others as you have done against Trump plus you have repeated lies. Obama caged the children. You aren’t a good example to me as a real Christian by repeating lies (which makes you a liar), spreading gossip and damaging another. there are two sides to every story; however, you only have the one side. Do you deny it was God’s hand who saved Trump’s life from the assassination attempt??? Are you listening to and repeating satan’s message instead of listening to God? God’s message is love while your message is full of hate?

  4. Look I’ve been a Republican my whole life…Trump is a complete mess and has ruined our party! Let’s be honest he has turned out to be corrupt and a compulsive liar…by the way he is not our president now, he is former president trump…Trump is not a true conservative, he ran our debt up higher than any other 1 term president ever, that’s a fact…Trump only cares about himself, he likes dictators and the reason why they didn’t mess with him is cause he is friendly with them and friends don’t mess with friends. As much as Biden is an idiot he stood up to them so they retaliated against him, it is not the other way around like Trump has lied and wants you to believe? Both candid are idiots but Trump is a criminal and will cause nothing but chaos if he becomes president again, mark my words…govt shouldn’t tell anyone what they should do to their bodies, regardless, women should have a right to choose and you and I should not have a say so!!!!

  5. Cont… let’s all wake up here…the election was not stolen , there was over 70 lawsuits filed and all but 1 was dismissed by both Republican and democrat judges! Just another lie that Trump. And his cult wants us to believe…no
    One wants to fix the immigration issues, Trump had 2 years were republicans controlled everything house, senate, presidency and they didn’t do anything to fix it other than BS executive orders that dont mean crap and are not law. G Bush had the same opportunity and didn’t do squat also…the Republican Party has lost it way, we have gone from governing to just trying to create lies and chaos, just look at the craziness that goes on the the House of Representatives… complete circus!!! Sorry the truth hurts!!!!9

    • S lib wouldn’t know truth if it hit you in groin !!
      None of cases were dismissed by Republican judges !! You have false info

      I have one question that wipes out all your lies and BS.

      In 2020 there were approximately 135 million registered voters in America !
      BOTH PARTIES AND THE MEDIA AGREED that Trump received 75 million votes !! So how the heck did Biden get 81 million votes??.
      No fraud ?? No ballot stuffing ?? Only an uneducated ignorant lib would claim that ! Or an uneducated lib that can’t add or subtract ,!!
      So again how did Biden get 81 million votes?

      ” We have ,in my opinion, created the most inclusive and extensive VOTER FRAUD SYSTEM in the history of American politics!” Biden !!!!

  6. Show the proof that there were 135 m reg voters, where did you get that number from? Foxy news? Of course you did… that’s another Chanel media outlet that has gone to the toilet box!!!!

    You can Google how many BS election fraud suits were filed from Trump and crew and see how many were dismissed and how many actually moved forward that had merit? There were none that had a leg to stand on…. just look at all the fake electors fraud charges that have been brought in all the diff states!!!

    There was no election fraud on a scale that would have changed the election even nucklehead bill barr said so when he was in charge of the DOJ… quit believing trumps BS
    Kamala unfortunately will win in a landslide I predict!!! Let’s see what happens….


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