NBC News corrects host’s false claim about Kamala Harris



She needs to be fired for false journalism.This country needs the truth to be told.

She did not IMPLY it. She STATED it as a FACT


  1. Despicable for our President and VP Kamala to not be in attendance and to be on a beach and 4miles away and NOT ATTEND A CEREMONY HONORING THE 13 DEAD SERVICE MEN AND WOMAN! QUESTION: IS THIS THE KIND OF PEOPLE YOU WANT IN CHARGE OF OUR COUNTRY? I WOULD THINK NOT…they are pathetic waste of space and our country and our service men and woman should not be subjected to this form of abuse!!

    • tRump filming to promote himself in Section 60 was a national disgrace and very disrespectful of the families that had loved ones in the other graves shown in the video.

      Had his campaign not POSTED a VIDEO of tRump in Section 60 on TikTok of all places, this might have blown over quickly.

      • Sorry you got miss-informed. None of this garbage happened with the Gold Star Families and President Trump. Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg was there the entire time. Strictly “Hunter Laptop-type” propaganda. I served under Kellogg, a straight shooter.

  2. It’s obvious that Kamalala has total hatred for our military as seen by her choice of VP. The lying, fat POS coward that ran to be a lying fat POS politician. Both of them should never be allowed to run for office again. But they are Commiecrats and can do whatever they want.
    Trump 2024

  3. This woman is not a journalist. She is a propagandist shill incapable of proper reporting. When she interviewed Vance, she had no clue about asking questions and knowing enough about the very questions she asked to discuss them. Then she came back later after he had left to disagree with him. How pitiful is that. But not as pitiful as the network that demanded for her to do that.

    • Obama, Biden, Clinton
      Jail now for letting service mrn die in Afghanistan and Benghazi
      Remember Clinton famous words what difference does it make that 4 Americans died in Benghazi while they watched from white house How about Clinton, Biden Obama selling uranium to Russia to make bombs to blow us up. Now who is in Putins pocket, those 3 clowns

      • Hmmm. tRump says servicemen who died were “suckers” and “losers.” He disrespected John McCain. So who would be putting Clinton in jail for letting “suckers” and “losers” die?

        tRump sexually molested a woman and was convicted. He has 34 felony counts against him for business fraud. I can’t post links here, so remove the spaces.

        https ://www. politifact.com/factchecks/2018/dec/07/blog-posting/complex-tale-involving-hillary-clinton-uranium-rus/

        tRump believed Putin over US Intelligence:
        https ://www .bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812

  4. Is pathetic that Trump failed so badly at being president that the majority of Americans flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. He also lost again with his failed Red Tsunami. After his upcoming defeat in November, I really hope the GOP can find a candidate that voters respect. Otherwise there will be many years of Democrat rule.

  5. She didn’t “imply” it, she flat out lied. Just like Tampon Tim “misspoke” about his military record. He’s a liar too. Same with Kacklea working at McDonald’s. Another liar. Piglosi, Schiff, Raskin, etc. Only liars on the left. Nobody is ever reprimanded for their dishonesty. They just shrug it off and move on to the next lie.

  6. They didn’t correct, what they said, the Whitehouse said, that they never received any invitation over the last 3 years. That was a lie too. The Gold Star familes ALL SAID both were invited but never answered the invites!


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