NYC Destroys Park… Moves in Homeless People



Seniors without a roof over their head? How about you put them up in hotels like the illegal immigrants!
Destroying a park is madness.

Forget being a third world country, New York is becoming a fourth world country.


  1. Teach those pompous phony Progressive liberals in NYC a lesson. Bunch of hypocrites, you elect a moron in Adams, what did you expect.

    Hey–send them to Martha’s Vineyard for 1-2 days.

    Progressive hypocrite

  2. I agree. Adams is a total moron. He’s even more clueless than his predecessor Bill (the pill) de Blasio. If NY City didn’t have over 200,000 illegal migrants, there wouldn’t be a housing problem. Adams whines that migrants are destroying NY City. So what does he do? He endorses cackling Kammy KNOWING FULL WELL that she won’t close the border. He needs to grow a pair and endorse Trump.

  3. Hey NY…Isn’t sanctuary status grand! You’re radical progressives, who voted for radical progressives, cheered for open borders, lectured everyone, arrogantly claiming you were the smarter, caring crowd, and, in loud, vulgar rants, called the right a bunch of ignorant, selfish racists. Yeah…you thought all those illegals invading our borders, was our problem, and would never dare to invade your precious bubble, didn’t you? Now, you whine about giving up your pretty little park, and inflated property values, to provide housing for all those people you claimed to care so much about. Well, too bad, hypocrite’s. Enjoy getting exactly what you voted for!

    • No, you’ve got it wrong! If the ignorant voters who voted Democrat because they believed the Dems were not just USING them and would have paid more attention AND really used their heads, we would have a better country NOW. We had it for 4 years and then the ignorant people screwed it up!

  4. What will the democrats do come winter and snow cold days for the illegals and homeless. Guess they don’t care about winter, the elections will be over by then. And like befor after the elections they walk away from them that did vote for them. To bad the ones voting for the democrats don’t wise up to that. They keep voting democrat cause that’s what they always did. Wish these fools thought that way about their money and kept giving it to me cause they always did. This is why the party’s are the worse, one keeps falling into that trap.

  5. We the People never voted to become a “sanctuary” city. The sanctimonious liberal politicians did this to us. Now they can undo it. Start cooperating with ICE and deport the illegal freeloaders. What happens when winter comes? Hey, that’s tough. The migrants kvetched that it’s too cold here. Well, go back home where it’s warm all the time.

    • Jimmy, I think you named the incorrect person. The Tyranny started rearing its ugly head with 8 YEARS OF OBAMA! Go back on any grocery, goods, or service orders you had from 2016 to 2020 and try to repurchase those items. You will sadly see that the Trump years were much better than the Biden years. Do not use your feelings; do your own research instead.

  6. Sad I watched illegal immigrants come to city neighborhoods and crime go up My tax dollars go everywhere it shouldn’t go I pay more get less When will people stop voting and falling for idiots I pay top dollar for health care when illegals get better for free Why? Because we are morons like our elected officials

  7. If the DIM voters don’t understand the problem and who is causing it by now, they never will! They should pause to take a long, thoughtful look in the mirror!


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