NYC Releases Entire Migrant Gang… From Prison



He didn’t commit 14 crimes, he committed 15. You forgot him sneaking into the country is also a crime

Those judges need to be ARRESTED AND PUT IN PRISON


  1. Kind of an convenient time to have him(Mayor) under arrest…I mean its NY he probably IS guilty of all kinds of stuff since BEFORE Tammany Hall,there were bribes and kick backs … He got betrayed by !600 Pennsylvania ave AND the Gov of his state seemingly has sold him out as well ….

    This recipe for disaster means that EVEN if Trump wins in November ,and IF he can now do as he promises and not just TALK(The mexico will pay for this speech ,and he had to back down….An American President has to walk as he talks ,(NOT pass the buck like those in the CURRENT Administration as so GOOD at doing!),and put AMERICANS first ,instead of what the current Executive branch folks are doing!

  2. The N.Y. mayor played with people who are not new yorkers and got himself burned. Nothing new. Talk about crafty N.Yers, look what HE is sell ing on the inter net! Does he need more money? thought he is a multi billionare? Gold colored sneakers? paper money? $100,000 watches? How about buying my vote?? $100 CASH, no promissary b.s.

  3. The main bad guys in this senerio are the Democrats their the ones blocking city officials from letting police, ICE, and prosecutor’s from doing their jobs, and it doesn’t help that the mainstream media is blocking the truth that sanctuary states and cities are in trouble.

  4. The corrupt,anti-american Demonrats are purposely trying to destroy our country and turn America into a third world socialist country,they have let millions of illegals to enter and when they commit a crime are back on the street in no time to continue to commit another one,you have to be a complete illiterate to support this corrupt,anti-american administration if you truly care about the state of our country,stop voting blue or say goodbye to America and our freedom,Trump 2024


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