Obama & Nancy Pelosi MOVE FORWARD SECOND COUP Against Kamala Harris As Democrat Challenger EMERGES!



I am a white woman. I am voting for a republic not a democracy. I am voting for Trump!!

Im a black woman & im voting for Trump 2024


  1. This is very simple. The democrat party machine couldn’t get Micheal Obama to run so now they have the second-best candidate to capture the virtue signaler voters, and the elect cheat remains non changed with the courts giving voter fraud their blessings!

  2. Youre rude as hell!Her name is michele!!!!!!!Shes a woman and always has been.You’re an asshole and probably always have been!!!!!!!

    • Are you sure? The point is, is that the Marxists are trying to take down the US. Are you helping them? A democracy is a regime of tyrants who enslave and kill their citizens. A republic..our constitutional republic is one nation under God. Obama is not a Christian. They are murderers..and tried to kill Trump. You have to admit that Michelle is a large woman and George Clooneys head can sit on her shoulders three times..she and Barry used a donor to have kids.. I mean we know Barry is a homosexual. We all know .but he’s fake..

    • Uh no, Michelle Obama is a man and it has been proven by photos of Michael in a tight skirt. Obama does not take a hankering to women in the first place and he is a Muslim who treat women with much more distain than disrespect.


    • How many WOMEN have had photos taken of them pregnant? I know countless numbers of women and there are many photos. No one in this world has EVER come up with an image of a pregnant Michelle (Michale) Obama! Mrs. Obama has NEVER been pregnant and is still intact. I am sorry that it pops people’s bubbles.

    • Right turn Clyde…I think that every time I see big Mike…It’s cool, someone has to wear the pants in the family and we all know, it ain’t Barrack…You know, he kissed more than the Saudi Kings ring.

  3. any moron that votes for any of those lying cheating stealing democrats should have to take a week vacation on our southern boarder and if they make it back alive then maybe they would think twice about voting for our great boarder Zcar……they crucified donald trump from the minute he took office he had everything thrown at him and i believe the Dems actually started the Covid to steal the election which they definitely did STEAL THE ELECTION with all the mail in ballets ETC ((what are they so worried about why cant anybody else be in the White House what are they hiding…….and if you dont know the answer to that question your even a bigger Moron MONEY its the route to all evil and they dont want anybody in on they get rich quick party while the middle class takes it up the ass as usual

    • Well actually it’s the love of money that is the root of all evil. And when you said lying. stealing and cheating I thought you were talking about convicted felon Trump. You people just don’t take losing very well.

      • No, it’s idiots like you who are the root of all evil. Spreading lies and hate wherever you go. Your family must be proud. Are you all imbeciles?

      • that is a joke charge that will be overturned just like all other trumped up charges against a strong President who threaten the demo party machine.

      • TRUMP MIGHT HAVE BEEN CONVICTED BY A REGIME OF CRIMES THEY MAKE AND BLAME THE OTHERS. WHY DONT YOU MENTION HILLARY CLINTON .. IS THE YOUR GOD??.. OSAMA BARRACK OBAMA.. IS HE YOUR GOD.. maybe you forget how the fck obama gave the chinese in NJ a port to bring everything without paying any tariff, to the government, but to obama.. of course.. what about hillary going over to 142 countries peddling pay for play.. you forgot that, what about hunter biden and biden himself went to ukraine and withheld 1B until the prosecuter was fired and hunter working for Barisma, getting money from China, and plenty, and russia.. no trump is the bad guy, because he did things the right way, which it is the wrong way for democrats.

      • Those felons will be tossed, there were none, not one, that wasn’t made up by the Dumocrats and those that believe the BS are trully DUMB.

    • Yeah why don’t They want it be law to show ID to vote, so ppl don’t be voting for dead people. That’s cheating. Just like the ones them demonstrating inWashington, why were they hiding their face. That’s cowardice. If you so afraid to be seen huh?

  4. the dumocrats expect to win all elections at any cost including stealing them at any cost. most of the things trump went through were invented by the dumocrats. A week ago charges were dropped in one of his trials.

    • Do any of you dumb shits have any proof or do you just continue to spew Trump bullshit? By the way, his IQ tests from military school show he has an IQ of 73. He’s a dumb fuck and so are you.

  5. Kacklea winning an election in California is no big deal. If Hitler was alive and ran as a Demoncrat in Commiefornia, he’d win in a landslide.
    Kindra, you’re not too smart. You must live in Commiefornia too.

  6. Why can’t we have a civil discussion and disagree without the insults and lack of decency? Why can’t I have my opinion and you have yours and agree to disagree? Why do we need to spread lies and misinformation to promote a political narrative? Give the people the facts and let them decide!


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