Pop Legend Janet Jackson Says Kamala is ‘NOT Black’ | Libs Heads EXPLODE: ‘She Can’t Say That!’



Kamal is a pathological liar….

I’m Indian-American and voting for TRUMP!


  1. sorry to pop kamala bubble
    Shirley Chisholm was the first REAL black woman who ran for president in
    read your history

    • That would be a first. Maybe Kamala can’t read. Maybe that’s why she screws up her far and few between speeches. She can’t read the cue cards or teleprompter.

  2. We All know Kamala is NOT BLACK. Indian American, born in the US, raised in Canada. Her Father is Jamaican whose family were the largest SLAVE holders in Jamaica.

  3. Correct. Cackling Kammy is not black. Trump said, “I didn’t know she was black” (laughter). “When did she turn black”? (more laughter).

  4. Has Janet Jackson met Kamala’s family ?? We that know history know plenty of Black people had slaves. Janet has been hanging with Trump
    listing his rantings about Kamala’s race and she herself should know better unless she missed a lot of High School time. She shouldn’t be getting her info from the likes of Donald Trump. Her brothers and mother are hanging their heads in shame like the rest of us who KNOW history.

    • Yeah I think you need to read your history. I know it’s hard to understand what that means to people of color but you can’t be a chameleon and try to fit in every category. But research makes a big difference, don’t take the media at their word. Don’t be afraid to think in your own.

  5. I was asked a question once by a good friend of mine who is an attorney and a Republican, he asked myself and two other black women what they would like to be called, black or African American? The two women had differing answers one said black while the other said African American, when he asked me I simply stated American. What I noticed was a look of vehemce from both women who questioned me why I would say such a thing as if I had committed some crime, I simply told them that I knew my family liniage and asked them who I should illuminate? My Irish side, my British side or my Netherlands side? because even though I have ancestors from the Congo without my other ancestors contributions I would cease to exist, but either way I represent what it is to be an American to which my friend the attorney commended me while the two black women condemned me as if I somehow betrayed them?

    • So sorry for your friends. I agree with you; you identify as you want. American is what I am though I have a heinz variety genetics but I’m proud America .

  6. What a Crock of Shit you Fucken people are so ignorant hillbillies you make the rest of us puke. You are trying to define the Race of every person. Take the people at their word. If they say they are whom they are believe them,and move on. We have an Election to win,and my money 💰 is on Black, Brown, and 🍛 Curry.

  7. Kamala may be 1/2 black, but she’s not so much from a middle class background. Both of her parents have doctorates, her mother a physician, and her father an economics professor at Stanford. There is no evidence that she ever worked at McDonalds. Growing up in Canada, she hardly has the black experience that she claims. She does have a pretty good fake black accent when it’s to her advantage to use it.

  8. Correct. There’s no evidence the cackler ever worked at McDonalds. By saying that, she’s trying to appeal to the poor and middle class folks. Actually, she’s too stupid to work at McDonalds.

  9. What a joke Trump was, trying to play president. No wonder the orange turd got flushed ASAP. This time he has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and all intelligent white dudes vote. No surprise from a failure with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. Soon to be 22 with Trump Media and his Liberty crypto coin. He’s really counting on the MAGAt trailer park vote since they swallow all the bullshit he feeds them.


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