Post-Debate Reaction: The Most TERRIFYING Part of the CNN Presidential Debate



shame on all Democrats

I blame the people closest to Joe for putting our country in this level of danger. Especially his wife.


  1. JILL BIDEN definitely needs to be held responsible. She knows full well Biden’s mind is gone. Do you think in a business a CEO would ever be on display like this? No, Democrats want power and their greed is unbelievable. Our enemies are watching.

    • I agree! Jill’s power hunger trip is unbelievable! Did you notice she does all the talking for her husband when they are on stage together

    • Our enemies have already bought and paid for the likes of these people who see money, power and more money and to hell with the people he’s sold out. Jill is no better than Joe’s stinking rotten brothers and son. they’re all nothing more than trash in my book.

    • She just wants to live in the White House because its free and fully feed with good cooking, free for everything, and the Biden did not know what is moron and patriotic mean. FJB and FJB

  2. I agree 100%. Biden is the worst person to be in charge of the country. Obama, Jill, etc are pushing him to stay in, but they are all traitors to America because they are leaving the country into total destruction. The media, Democrats, Republicans and anyone who lied to us over the years need to be held acountable for their treason acts.
    God help America, and the world, because we are all screwed without God.

    • Biden is not, nor has been in charge. Obama, Jill Obiden, et al have been in charge since day 1. Don’t forget Hitlery and Soros. I really hope their days are numbered and there are designated cells for them at Gitmo!


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