SHOCK: Biden ENDORSES Trump!? Puts on Red MAGA Hat and STUNS Crowd in Kamala BACKSTAB After Debate



Who else can’t wait to Vote Trump ?

If she was serious about the Border they wouldn’t be flying Haitians in the country


  1. I pray I never see another display of such bias again. The so called debate was nothing more than ABC covering up for Kamala’s pack of lies, disdain for America. At this point, if Rocket Man, China and Iran dropped a bomb in Washington, they would be receiving what they asked for.

  2. WOW 😮
    But HE IS Ok and Only Wearing TRUMPys Hat 🧢 So TRUMPS Rainbow of REAL SHIT 💩 Won’t be able to STAIN Him on His POLITICAL REALITY HEAD 💯% 🤩

    • Jag, your posts show such intelligence!! NOT !! They actually show your utter ignorance and how uneducated you really are !!
      All you can do is kindergarten name calling!! ALSO shows that you are a hatefilled, sad, troubled little man!!
      There is still hope that someday you will educate yourself so you won’t look as stupid as you really are

    • Biden put the hat on by accident. Someone handed him the hat and he put it on without looking at what it was. So much for him doing ONE right thing. Just another embarrassing Biden gaffe.

  3. True facts. It’s great to see that since we flushed the orange turd we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, a stock market that has doubled since we told Trump to take a hike, and higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate. For those babbling about high prices, you really thought that presidents tell companies what they can charge for their products?

  4. Yes, Trump was a pervert along with his only friend Epstein. Now he’s been convicted of sexual assault, and just DESTROYED in the debate against Harris. He doesn’t know how to handle women. Three unsatisfied wives that he cheated on, bangs porn stars and pays hush money. This old freak is a total loser. Looks like 88% of women are going to flush the orange turd in this election. Who could blame us?

  5. What decent woman in her right mind would support a vile POS who cheats on every wife he’s had, bangs porn stars, has a record of sexual assault, and calls himself a good Christian? Has there ever been such a low-life a politician with such shitty character? Gee I wonder why he only has 12% of the women’s vote, and who the hell are those women?


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