Shooter’s classmate EXPOSES the media lies about Crooks!!!!!



“He talked politics smugly and arrogantly” – 10000% a democrat.

If a man says “I hate Trump and I hate the Republican Party” I’m gonna assume that he’s a hard liberal.


  1. Here’s how many news outlets will twist any story to benefit their Democrat Communist Party propaganda teammates:

    MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY-Times, LA-Times, Associated Press….etc.

    These news organizations use to deny that they’re non biase, but now they don’t care that their reporting is false, to defend the Democrat Communist Party!

    The conclusion of my post is that the easiest way to protect yourself from the Democrats false reporting news, is basically whatever the liberal lying news media reports on, against their opponents, is really what the Democrats are doing!!!

      • Not all of the hosts on Fox, at least not the popular ones that tell it like it is. Ingraham, Watters, Hannity and Gutfeld, just to name a few. There are more, including contributors that I like. I just named the nighttime ones. But, I agree that there are also many that have a hard time hiding their contempt for conservatives.

    • Absolute Fact. All of their manipulationa , gas lighting , and propoganda is intentionally
      Done to deflect from their dirty game.
      All the while being the ones..selling out, stealing and lining their own pockets which is , at the same time,
      Ruining this country.
      Sad- it is such a low down dirty game among the united states governments OWN people! ●Absolutely-UNacceptable and they should hold NO place in any office.
      ●They should be held accountable, locked up and never allowed to work in any government office again.
      THEY DO…NOT..BELONG anywhere In our government offices or seats. This has been a side show circus of the most epic proportions of appalling politically corrupt levels of filth.

  2. I would believe the students before I would believe the Democrats 99% of the time. Democrats are not the party where they were for the working man. Things changed some with President Clinton was President, but my goodness when Obama took over, things went to h—. He is only interested in power and more power. Democrats are not for anyone except themselves. pure evil and violent.

      • So was Kamala, she’s a bought and paid for whore. Just ask Willie Brown. And remember she comes from Babylon (calif).

    • Doris I absolutely agree. However, I honestly think Obama simply did not care. His Muslim background did not make him democrat to me. It made him 3rd world with him having absolutely no right being in that seat. When he air dropped the trillions for
      -ghost soldiers- . I knew then he was a total sham. What better way to blatantly the most epic theft from.tje American people that when “acting as president. There will.never be ANY doubt in my mind that he and Hillary Clinton were not behind the biggest theft against this country that has ever been pulled and they did it rightout in the open of front of our faces. No trojan horse was ever needed..
      He was voted in. It was all done roght out in the open just as the last 4 years. NO ONE. In our government stopped any of it.

    • My Dear Doris, the party, not necessarily the ignorant’s belonging to it have been RACISTS since Lincoln who freed the Slaves the Dumocrats wanted to keep Blacks as Slaves & denied them equality in 1954 & 1964 BUT the Republicans won in 1964.

  3. When the Democrats speak…they are speaking about themselves. Russia, Russia, Russia was used because Obama and Hillary were tied into Skolkovo. Trump a Dictator? Obama is the dictator. He served his two terms, but didnt leave like all other former presidents did. He had Hillary replace Biden in 2016. When Bernie was winning the primary, Obama rewarded him to go away. In 2020, Obama ran his puppet knowing he was mentally compromised. He ran a campaign hidden. State a local election laws were quickly changed to help him. No other contenders were allowed. They claim the are saving Democracy…the stole it years ago. They are trying to stay in power and turn this into a socialist state

      • AND he is not a US citizen, he only has a certificate of birth, stating HE WAS BORN. ‘his own brother said he was born in Kenya to a White Mother & a Black Father. WE do have a problem in America, it is called GUILT. But WE had nothing to do with SLAVERY from hundreds of years ago. It was Black Africans who enslaved their Brothers & Sisters, sold them to the Dutch Traders who brought them to the American Plantations.Slave here or not they were treated better than in Africa as many were slaughtered & raped. I was taught REAL HISTORY by nasty NUNS.

  4. This is off-subject here, but I’ve not heard from anyone offering this information. HOW did Crooks get the gun into the rally? If a range finder caused raised eyebrows, wouldn’t an AR style rifle have produced a little attention? How could he have planted it earlier since the area was locked up? No one has talked about this, have they? Maybe I just missed it, but it seems this should be something that bears a lot of repeating.

    • I think he was given access. Shhh! Don’t tell anyone. This smells like a setup from the get-go. They will go to any length to stop Pres. Trump. And then, “poor” Crooks was collateral damage so it appeared SS was doing their job. They probably gave him instructions how to carry it out. I now wonder if Crooks was the actual shooter as he was kicked out of the rifle club class in HS because he was such a poor shot. Has anyone checked the trajectory of the bullet? Did it really come from that rooftop? Have they recovered the bullet to see if it was fired from the same weapon? So many questions and not near enough answers.

      • Leslie, again, I fully agree . They are tieing our own government to it,
        as we speak . Snipers have Been testifying as well as bringing all of these very same questions out.

  5. Everyone needs to understand: the Democrats are the party of parasites – people who take more than they make. They will do whatever it takes to keep milking the taxpayer, to beg for welfare, to regulate their competition away, to legalize criminality, and to generally redistribute the fruits of productive people’s labor to themselves. Parasites are ruining our economic health. It’s time for a delousing!

    And, in case the parasites take the next election, there is a great solution at We’re just looking for leaders to create the greatest advancement in society since 1776.

  6. This world is fucked up. We should be talking about the events that the Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields cell towers cause to our house a lot of the things that the young kids do like the shooter of Trump and the shooters of the schools they spend 24 seven on their devices, and it messes up their brains, but nobody wants to say that, I’ve studied it for years and I have a electromagnetic field situation that I have to deal with. Somebody should take care of this but it’s all about the money.

  7. I think it is sad. We even allow democrats in the United States. They seem to hate America, they love.
    Gay sex. They hate straight people. I think it is time we deport them to North Korea where they would be much happier and wouldn’t have to try to destroy the great America.

  8. This dweeb look’s like one of “Jerry’s Kids”. A real Democrat gem selected for someone that should have been higher paygrade? I think this “un-selected genius” had been effected with all the hate that Mr MaGoo spreads about those of us that don’t want our borders open, and our tax-dollars to go to those that put the money into the government. Not a bunch of illegal invaders O’Kenyan and Bribem want to give away our kitchen sink to?

  9. The Democrats are promoting “Hate Trump” and this is the outcome. How do you convict someone of 43 Misdemeanors for which the Statute of Limitations had expired by calling them “felonies,” take them to court and win! They were fatally flawed by misclassification and expiration!


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