Socialists DESTROY AOC After She LASHES OUT IN PANIC Against Them REFUSING To Vote For Kamala Harris



Never trust a grown woman who acts like young girl

AOC being a freaking US Representative shows us how far we’ve fallen as a country.


  1. AOC is a board certified nutjob. Her ignorance is on display every time she opens her mouth. How the heck did this airhead get elected and reelected? Are voters really that stupid?

    • In response to your query, it is true that those who voted for her did so based on the same criteria applied to Kamala: she is a woman and represents their race. Even if the individuals are not qualified for the positions they occupy. Yes, those voters are stupid. It has been observed that left-leaning individuals are increasingly using hand gestures. Observing left-leaning journalists, one can see this is prevalent; could this signify a new trend in distraction tactics?

  2. AOC for the working party – BULL. Is that’s why she lost thousands of jobs for the Bronx by not letting amazon have their plant there because she didn’t understand the taxes (she thought NY was going to pay amazon tax money). The girl (she is not a woman by a child).

  3. Ginny, ALL the Democraps say they’re for the working party. Then they destroy jobs with wacko climate change regulations, battery powered car mandates, fossil fuel power plant closures, more free trade agreements, and an illegal migrant invasion. Illegal migrants – if they work at all – are taking jobs that our citizens could have. And they’re doing it for much lower pay. They work “under the table”. Off the books. They’re not paying Social Security or income taxes.

  4. Speaking of stupid, will the GOP ever get Trump to STFU? There has never been a bigger joke than Trump for president. He’s turned into a senile old fool who can’t finish a sentence without lying, bragging or getting off topic, like all his nonsense about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, sharks & boat batteries, whales and windmills, rigged elections, nuking hurricanes, wet rain, islands surrounded by water, toilet flow, etc. He’s an f’nn lunatic who needs a padded cell. What an embarrassment to America!


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