Squatters Move Into NYC Mansion… Refuse To Leave



NYC is totally screwed. The Big Apple is a rotten core.

these laws are baffling…so lemme get this right…… I’m from Nigeria, economy is struggling rn, i need a better place to move to…i get on a boat for little cash, get to the southern boarder, get into nyc, get a free credit card filled with money for me to use paid by the nyc tax payers FOR FREE…if i don’t like things i can protest…if i don’t have a home i can break into a home and claim i’ve lived there and nothing will happen, then i can sublet the apartment to others for less than usual and make free money, if i don’t have money, i can steal from a store as long as it doesn’t surpass 1000USD, then move from store to store to reset the limit, get free products, then sell at a lower cost FOR 100% PROFIT….all while law abiding americans pay for me and suffer on my behalf………………this needs to be broadcasted throughout the world so everyone can go there and enjoy this benefit cuz this is madness, there is a fine line between generosity and foolishness lmao. why law abiding newyorkers are still abiding by the laws is beyond me


    • Who goes in with guns blazing? The Dems in charge? This won’t change at all unless the Dems are voted out. Any idiot in NY that votes Democrat deserves what they get. Unfortunately, the ones voting to change things are the ones getting screwed. The corrupt Dems have a stronghold on NY. The only other thing to do is move to a red state. I moved from CA in 1994 because of the high cost of living. The crap that’s going on there now has only multiplied big time since I was there. CA is another corrupt Dem stronghold. Vote straight ticket Republican to change things – no RINOs either.

  1. give them directions to the empty mansions of biden, obama, nancy, waters, swift, clooney, waters, and the list goes on, etc.
    all the ones who are for illegals coming in

    • Come on now, you know that these places are covered with armed guards so nobody can break in while they’re wiling away their time tell us we can’t do shit. I agree with Ernest T. Bass, get your house in order New York, your loyal democrat voters had better wake up. Hell is already at your front door.

  2. And why can’t you evict them? Put on the big boy pants and throw them back to where they came from. We don’t want them here not now not ever!!!!

  3. Usually cash for keys, or pay the squatters to move out.
    Sometimes it works, otherwise eviction, attorneys fees, time tied up in court, and it can be a long process with likely counter suits.
    This is just the way things are and personally, I’m surprised the city and state are taking this seriously because politically, renters are a much bigger voting bloc than the landlords, so if the landlords get aggressive about removing squatters, the City and State are much more likely to make even more restrictive laws and regulations against landlords, because, face it, at least in the big city, urban environment, the land lords are usually regarded as greedy by requiring rent and tenants are seen as the ones experiencing hardship.

  4. What more evidence do people need to show what ‘Socialism’, wokeness and Commie Democrat rule ends up like? America has been in serious decline since the Commies stole the 2020 elections. Even true Liberals should realize by now what is happening to their country.

  5. This is what happens when you VOTE STUPID. Keeping Democrat in office NEVER leads to anything good. Support Term Limits, Vote for people that have YOUR best interests at heart and stop believing the Left’s Lies


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