Sunny Hostin, This Was So DISRESPECTFUL



Sunny is part of what makes America so divided at this time.

Sunny is so miserable, it must be exhausting. The only way someone can be so “oppressed” is by inventing problems for themselves


  1. Sunny is such a sad person….. no personality, no talent, no brains. I don’t think there is another person on television who is that unaware of
    true life…

  2. You know your done when you are a current President and you have so much free time on your hands that you have 2 choices, “The View” and slam the “real President” or go back to Rehoboth Beach. Jill-Billie and Barrack have the White House under control until they can “plant” Kamala in with no votes in the Primary at all!

  3. Sunny is pure trash, a disrespectful, liberal, bias, pos. That motormouth of hers just won’t shut up, she is a sick, stupid, pretending lawyer. U are the biggest racist of all, grow up witch.

  4. I’m marking many emails tonight because I have have to sign in on UTube to prove I’m not a bot. I am not on U Tube this you are now spam’

  5. Sunny trash, LOW I.Q. THE POO show is trash – GOLDBERG and all. You have great programs. You always have valuable topics to open the public to the truth. Pres Trump hired the most blacks of any corporation and all blacks who worked for him said he was a good boss to them and all employees. He promoted Rev Jesse Jackson in NY. He is not a bigot against Jews as his daughter married a Jewish man and his daughter IVANKA converted to Judaism and her kids are all Jewish and all celebrate/practice Judaism. Great points by the guy on your show. PRES TRUMP IS NOT RACIST NEVER WAS – HE IS ALWAYS FAIR. HE IS A BUSINESS MAN – HIS GOAL IS TO ALWAYS HAVE SOMEONE WHO IS A GREAT BUSINESSMAN WHO CAN GARNER MARKET SHARE FOR HIS BUSINESS SO IT DOES NOT MATTER TO HIM WHAT THE COLOR OF THE PERSON IS – TRUE BUSINESS MAN ONLY CARE ABOUT INCREASTING BUSINESS .

  6. Everything that Holstine said is BS, Trump is not racist and Black people could live in his hotels and apartments! Holstine is race baiting!

  7. The senile buffoon was a joke, trying to play president. No wonder the orange turd got flushed ASAP. This time he has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and all intelligent white dudes vote. No surprise from a failure with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. Soon to be 22 with Trump Media and his Liberty crypto coin. He’s really counting on the MAGAt trailer park vote since they swallow all the bullshit he feeds them.

  8. Trump says he can end the war in Ukraine. He was unclear on how, exactly, he would accomplish that goal…maybe “concepts of a plan” will do the trick. LOL!!

    • Concepts of a plan and let the military carry it out their way !

      Civilians haven’t the foggiest idea of how to do war,…. that is why we have Lost several since WW-II.

  9. The only racist who was supporting a KKK Congressman , fought against busing black students to his children’s school to avoid them being in a “racial jungle”, if a black man did not “vote for him-then you ain’t black”
    and giving money to urban , Democrat controlled cities to “buy votes”-Joe Biden has always been a phony, racist!
    Zelensky is intent on provoking a nuclear war with Russia where he committed election interference by visiting PA and supporting Harris who is spending more US taxpayer to fund his corrupt gov’t !
    Sunny is a biased talk show host with a low IQ and refuses to address the rampant inflation that Harris signed in 2021 yet later admitted it was “NOT AN INFLATION REDUCTION ACT IT WAS REALLY A GREEN NEW DEAL SCAM” Biden/Harris admitted after two years that they “LIED TO THE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS”
    The housing shortage was caused by the Harris reversal of Trump’s successful “remain in Mexico policy”-allowing approx. 12 million illegal migrants to invade our country and being “given” free housing , food, medical care and education with no vaccinations , etc. Tell AOC to do her homework instead of Harris bloating our incompetent gov’t to create another dept to build gov’t housing when Pete B. has wasted billions of dollars to build EV charging stations-“only eight have been built”
    Keep listening to gov’t Harris clowns that each head of a federal dept. has been rife with waste and fraud ! American middle class is being buried by Socialist programs causing 20% inflation , mortgage rates to buy a home have risen from Trump’s 2.77% to 6.21% for a thirty year fixed rate mortgage ! People who listen to the View are the biggest threat to Democracy and Harris/Waltz are Marxists !

  10. What a joke Trump was, trying to play president. No wonder the orange turd got flushed ASAP. This time he has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and all intelligent white dudes vote. No surprise from a failure with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. Soon to be 22 with Trump Media and his Liberty crypto coin. He’s really counting on the MAGAt trailer park vote since they swallow all the bullshit he feeds them.

  11. A Republican-led group is challenging Georgia’s new requirement that poll workers count the total number of ballots by hand, saying it’s another example of the State Election Board overstepping its legal authority. What corruption does the GOP have planned now? This is very suspicious.

  12. The Magats should stay in their trailer park, pick their tooth, and play with their guns. They are lucky that there is no IQ test in order to vote. Let intelligent voters flush the orange turd like they did last election.


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