This old clip of Kamala just came back to HAUNT HER!!!



She’s literally being propped up worse than Joe Biden was by the media

She is the worst. She has done nothing. Wake up people.


  1. Yes. Why is it so hard to actually show all the facts? Half of January 6 Tapes left out. The Covid numbers inflated. January 6 Committee was no good. Hillary did pay someone to push the Trump/Russia collusion. Then, destroyed hard drive, phone records, and other evidence. Same with January 6 Committee. They lied, and then they in turn their tapes, recordings, emails go missing. Hunter Biden Laptop. Intentionally covered up by the FBI before the 2020 Election. Threatened the laptop repairman. Called speaking about Covid Vax and masking a threat to Democracy. Colleges and schools pushing the Equity, CRT, DEI, and woke nonsense. Climate Change narrative. Called being a Christian a threat. The old Democracy narrative. The biggest threat, or just plain threat. The bad policies of the Biden/Harris regime. Venezuela had someone put in charge. Not wanted. Those that believe Socialism is good. Sadly mistaken. If you like your lives controlled, that is a Socialist, Communist way. I do not need any government, especially this incompetent and hateful one. Telling anyone what to do.

    • AND . . . don’t you wonder how corrupt they REALLY are when somehow Congress and the President and former Presidents (Obama) all own big mansions . . . MORE THAN ONE! The upkeep alone is thousands a month.

  2. DO THE DEMOCRATS – REALLY – REALLY believe a stupid loser like CAMELA SHOULD be President???

    IS THAT ALL THEY GOT??? SINCE WHEN don’t ‘qualifications, experience, accomplishments, dignity, self-respect, honesty . . . matter?
    Is it all about a black, uh, indian, uh, Jamaican, uh . . . what ever, that makes her eligible???
    AND SINCE WHEN IS IT OKAY TO TURN OUR HISTORIC CHARACTERS – Like Cinderella, The Wicked Witch of the West, The Wizard of Oz, – BLACK??? WHAT IF…I did a movie with a WHITE Martin Luther King?
    A WHITE Muhammad Ali? A WHITE ‘Little Black Sambo’? A WHITE Princess Tiana???
    Geeezzzzzzz!!! Are we nuts?!

    • Funny they did a movie where they turned The Wizard of Oz black it was called The Wiz. Concerning VP Harris has anyone compared her wins vs her losses? I was a long-term Republican but when the party of Lincoln started slowly to become corrupt around the time of Bush’s senior time in office, I had hoped that it would amend its ways but alas, and alack no such luck. When the party got into lockstep behind a man whose grandfather and father were Aryan racists with an Uber man fixation I could no longer stand and be counted as one of that group I turned to the Democratic party and after much study decided the only group within the party, I could relate to where the Blue Dog Democrats. Trump is an evil degenerate old man who emphasizes evil, and he would fornicate with a snake if he thought he could get the lizard-brained people to vote for him. Are candidates perfect? Far from it, the last perfect person I know of hung on a cross over 2 thousand years ago. But all things being equal I will back and vote for the current VP over an individual who thinks certain races should bow before his kind and ilk.

  3. The only thing Kamel-la is re-imagining how many millions of weak-minded voters are in America that swallow what she is selling!


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