Thomas Sowell on how to deal with illegal migrants




    • Your position would have considerably more impact if you took the time to tell us exactly why you hold this belief? In what ways are illegal immigrants having a negative impact on your life and/or that of this country? Have you considered the massive contributions illegal immigrants make to the economy of this country? How about their willingness to take on all these jobs well born Americans shun as being too demanding and poorly paid – they much prefer to leave them to immigrants who can’t be so choosy if they want to survive. Isn’t this a fact?

      • Isn’t it also a fact that illegal aliens are taking the lives of Americans citizens on almost a daily basis? They are raping our young girls almost daily? That’s just what’s being reported. How about our illustrious govt giving illegals SS benefits, taking away from American citizens that worked their whole lives? I’m glad that you feel comfortable living among those that have taken but not contributed to our society. You’re OK with this as many American citizens are doing without. Why don’t you open up your home to the illegal aliens as many of your own Dem leaders have suggested? Why haven’t the same Dem leaders followed their own advice? I and my family and friends have worked hard all of our lives (doing many shit jobs that we didn’t like) and I’ll be damned if I will be willing to give it up to an illegal alien. There are ports of entry and legal ways to come into this country. Sneaking across the border illegally and taking what they didn’t earn and killing, raping our own citizens is not the way it’s done. Open up your own wallet and home to your “pet” illegals and let the rest of us follow the rule of law.

      • Your position on illegals would carry more weight if you took in a family of illegals , bought their food,paid their medical bills, bought their clothes, etc !!
        Have you done this ?? Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is ? Or you just spouting the liberal NS by your Democrat masters ?
        ( I know the answer toy questions). The answer is no to all!! You are just another “useful idiot) as your Democrat masters call you !! Of ignorance is bliss you are extremely happy!

      • They TAKE more than they GIVE that is positive!!!! Free healthcare, housing, education, legal svcs AND CASH!!!What they GIVE is crime, disease, illiteracy, drugs. Used to be a time when immigrants could not enter this country if they had no way of supporting themselves, had any symptoms of disease and had to pay for English classes. It is our politicians that have allowed illegal immigration and the plethora of FREE social welfare benefits and the tax burden on American citizens. Rein in ALL the freebees without exception and you will see a decrease.

      • Because they are talking our work. I am a builder. They are taking our work because people in this country will settle for poor quality if it’s cheaper. That’s a fact for you.

      • You have no clue. Like I say to many of my liberal friends: If you are okay with open borders and letting illegals into this country, then open up YOUR home and neighborhood to them. Put your money where your mouth is. Look at what happened in Martha’s Vineyard where the Obama’s live. DeSantis sent about 50 illegals to the Vineyard and all the lunatic liberals that live there forced them out within a 24 hours. Get your head out of your ass. Democrats do not care about them. They want them here for one thing – VOTES.

    • Most of the illegals are let out of the prisons and mental hospitals in the countries. You haven’t notice the crimes that has been committed? They need to come here the legal way. It’s how others came here. Send them packing……..

  1. Alain,

    You are just spewing the garbage of the Progressive Liberal Left. Lets take all of the money that we are spending / giving them, and build shelters for homeless vets and American homeless families. Take care of our own FIRTS and FOREMOST.

  2. Alain. Unfortunately you are unaware of the issues illegals cause. The negative’s definitely outweigh the positives. I would take the side of Thomas Sowell, one of the MOST RESPECTED historians and economists this country has EVER seen. Maybe go to the Southern border to see the garbage caused

    • It’s idiots like him that stick their head in the sand (or up their a$$). If they can’t see the problem(s), it must not be happening. Now, be a good boy Alain and drink your Kool-Aid.

  3. Interviewer reminds me of Anderson Cooper. Craphead.


    Thomas Sowell is a national treasure.

  4. One of the biggest issue is that they are pulling the country down instead if lifting it. Democrats don’t realize the damage they have done to this country by filling it with uneducated people. We are turning this country into another latin america country. I came from there and i know how it is.

  5. Alan,

    You are espousing old and baseless arguments, i.e., Helping economy, Filing unwanted jobs.

    First, the USA does not need their help with the economy. They add next to nothing. Also, a great percentage of the illegals do not pay taxes; they get paid in cash, or many have fake social security numbers.

    Second, all those so called unwanted jobs that they supposedly fill do not exist for the most part. Some maybe but not enough to warrant the negative impact that they lay upon this country. Those jobs; field work for example, have been filled for many decades by LEGAL immigrants.

    So NO you do not state facts – you have just regurgitated progressive propaganda – not facts.

    What about the fact that they are here ILLEGALLY – they did not go through the established process to enter this country. They use the system as much as possible to gain FREE medical, workers compensation, and welfare. They are a drain to our society since we have to deal with a great number of them in our judicial and penal system – you pay for them to be incarcerated when they are committing crimes in this country.

    Come to America legally and we are happy to help you if you need it.

    Deport all illegals!!!

  6. What a screaming bunch of lemmings. I have been to many of the countries supplying people who come to America. Every one of them is a rapest,sloth-complete dumb, licee infested not in my back yard. JUST THE SAME AS THOSE THAT ARRIVED IN 1860-1910. How did your grandparents stay out of jail??

  7. I believe that every country, including the USA, has the right to have safe and legal standards of border control. Entry, crossing borders, should be legal; period. There must be laws to determine who comes into country, and to be able to check their legal status. That’s basic Government 101, protect your borders.


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