Tim Walz Investigated For Stealing $250 Million Dollars in Covid Funds



Democrat?? And a criminal??? C’mon man!!

Tampon Tim is probably the creepiest dude in American politics. 2nd place: Gavin Newsome.


  1. You are as stupid as TRUMP in thinking that calling people names is a good thing. It is not. You simply alienate people away from Trump.

    You may appeal to the fringe element but not the masses.

    I’m a Trump fan but you and he ain’t getting the mainstream on your side. IMHO

    Conclusion – conclusion – conclusion – not many facts.

    No good.

  2. Minnesota’s Democratic leaders support the Somali scum that are continually being allowed to commit financial crimes and manipulate our legal system. They all need to be sanctioned.
    The state has become a farce created by Liberals and they all need to removal.

    • So true Mike, Ellison is a Communist, and he was behind bringing in tens of thousands of f-ing SOMALIANS, that steal our country blind by design under Marxist Democrat Administrations

  3. If you don’t know what communisium is you need to take a hard look at it before you vote. Walz and Harris are extreme progressive which is communist platform. There are clips of Harris on line as to what she stands for. Even Bernie Sanders the most liberal communist in Congress.

    • That was just another one of Trump’s multiple lies. People there hadn’t ever heard or seen that. Please don’t swallow the bullshit he feeds you. C’mon Edward, you must be smarter than that?

      • Trump never said anything about people eating cats !! YOU ARE THE LIAR ACCUSING TRUMP !!
        Must be sad to have Trump living in your empty head Scott free!!
        You don’t know why you hate him other than you were told to by your communist democrat masters!! You are a good little uneducated ignorant cult boy !!

  4. Yes, the Haitian freeloaders are butchering and barbecuing people’s pets in Springfield, OH. Guess. what. These bastards can’t be deported because they have “protected” status. They’re untouchable. They’re here illegally, they know they can’t be deported, so they can do anything they want. America is truly f**ked up. If you shoot the bastards, then YOU are wrong. What happened to our country?

    • It’s unbelievable that you think that happened. It was more Trump crap. Reporters went to the apartment block and tenants said they had no problems there.

      • And another ignorant cult clown accuses Trump !!
        Damn Trump must be some sort of superman !! Anything that goes wrong the ignorant Democrat cult blames him !!
        He causes hurricanes, tornadoes,
        Earthquakes , etc according to the uneducated ignorant lib cult

      • Manny .it is unbelievable that you are so damn ignorant ,! And you believe all the bullshit from Kamala !!
        So what reporters went there ?? Another bullshit comment ,???.

  5. Guess what people this all started by the fkn kenyan & the democrats messiah he brought all the muslims in as part of his destruction of our country & the white guilt aholes put him in twice based on his skin color not character which he has & never had ala MLK!

  6. We have no choice but to elect Donald Trump as our President. four years ago we have the greatest country in the world and no wars going on. We had great jobs and great schools and then covid came along. Then the democrats stole the election and have done everything they could to destroy America. They call themself the DEEP STATE. All democrats that will lie, cheat, do whatever it takes to remain in power. China will do whatever it takes to help them remain in power. They would love to take over this country. How do they all become so wealthy? And they lied to Americans letting you think Bidon was fine and would make a great President. Most of his time on vacation. Obama running things.
    and now Obama wants a 4th term. WAKE UP AMERICA. Donald Trump is the only person that can bring this country back from it becoming a communist country. During his 4 years that were our greatest he never took a salary at all. Never. He knows these people. He grew up in New York. He has a beautiful family, and the democrats have done everything they can to destroy him. Even try to kill him. You want to save America then please Vote Trump. Otherwise, it will be over for America and Israel also. (Gods Country) MAGA 2024

      • No one with a brain wants a lying, corrupt, traitorous POS prostitute like Kamala for president EVER !
        Hell she is so desperate she even LIES about working at McDonald’s !!
        ” DEMOCRAT voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary

  7. It’s great to see that since we flushed the orange turd we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, a stock market that has doubled since we told Trump to take a hike, and higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate. For those babbling about high prices, you really thought that presidents tell companies what they can charge for their products?


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