Trump JUST PISSED Kamala Harris Off with this…



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Check out the details of the Biden crime family in Alex Marlows book: In a recent interview with Alex Marlow, author of *Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration*, a range of pressing issues surrounding the Biden administration and the Democratic Party were explored. Marlow delved into the growing concerns within the Democratic Party about President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, shedding light on the internal dynamics that are increasingly coming to the fore.

One of the key topics discussed was the speculation that some Democrats want Biden to reclaim his delegates and push back against Kamala Harris. As Harris’s popularity appears to be waning, particularly due to her perceived lack of experience in war and foreign policy, there is a sense of urgency among party insiders who see her as unprepared for the challenges ahead. Marlow noted that these concerns are not entirely unfounded, given the significant responsibilities that could fall to Harris if Biden were to step down or become incapacitated.

The interview also covered Kamala Harris’s reluctance to engage with the mainstream media, despite the favorable coverage she often receives. Marlow speculated that this could be a strategy to avoid difficult questions or scrutiny that could undermine her position within the party.

Questions about transparency and accountability were raised concerning the FBI’s handling of the Thomas Matthew Crooks case, where the body was reportedly cremated, autopsy information was withheld, and the crime scene was quickly cleaned up. Marlow highlighted the suspicious nature of these actions, suggesting that there might be more to the story than is being publicly acknowledged.

Lastly, the discussion turned to the Biden family’s alleged influence-peddling schemes, with particular focus on Hunter Biden’s recent scandals. Despite clear evidence of corruption, Marlow pointed out that both the media and Congress seem largely indifferent, allowing the Bidens to evade accountability.

Marlow concluded by discussing the notion that Biden has become a “lame duck” president, with little influence or relevance in the current political landscape. His book, *Breaking Biden*, delves deeply into these issues, providing a critical examination of the forces at play behind the scenes.

Hi from Illinois vote red Chicago. Let’s put president trump in the white house. He belongs there. Trump and Vance 2024 ♥️


  1. For the past week I have seen nor heard anything but a FALSE narrative on and about Kamala Harris. Anyone who is SERIOUS about the Health and Welfare of our country should immediately recognize that she is a Cameleon that is constantly changing according to the Barack Obama Cabal who is handling her and her Vice President.

    • most of us didn’t like him and I can’t figure out how he stayed. He’s what people used to call a “windbag”—-full of wind and nothing else

  2. A bunch of angry white people that can’t handle a black woman in a position of power. Don’t worry she won’t bring back slavery and force y’all to work in the field picking cotton like your ancestors did hers.

    • Kamala never really had the political intelligence to get into politics. You and everyone else sees this each time she opens her mouth. Watch her rhetoric , don’t let me persuade you, that won’t do anything positive and leave a lasting impression, a critically needed proper judgement. Just listen to her and realize she speaks in circles, stupid circles. The content of her output is stupid and very ignorant. This is the same way a person talks that has hurt themselves with mind altering drugs too. This is why she’s not going to do debates with Trump, the party leadership knows she will make a fool of herself and them too! How can we allow her to pretend she can handle the responsibilities that come with this job? It would be like having a crackhead flying a passenger plane full of people. What do you think would happen there.

    • You must have $hit for brains if you want to use the ‘race card’ without doing your homework. For example – did you know Kamala’s family ‘roots’ in Jamaica?? Did you know that she is the descendant of ‘slave owners’ and sold slaves? Did you know that she made her reputation as a DA on the backs of poor Black pot dealers instead of really going after the big kingpin drug dealers? (Sounds like her forefathers now doesn’t it!!??) Did you know her daddy is a Marxist professor in CA??? Did you know her policy on price control is from the Communist playbook and btw it never worked! Ask the Russians. She has no foreign affairs experience to deal with Xi or Putin, her ‘Bidenomics’ plan is a DISASTER and brought inflation from 1.0% to 9%,so far, and will bankrupt America. (My field is finance so I’m qualified to make this judgment call!) And whatever is left over, her GREEN NEW DEAL – will finish off the country’s economy!!! She/Biden left the border wide open. Do your homework and find out that over 200,000 Russian & Chinese SPECIAL FORCES along with Hooties & Muslim terrorists have come over this southern border since 2021, and are HERE to do us damage! (See Michael Yon for evidence!) When you have Russian subs off the coast of Florida, and Chinese off the coast of Washington on the West you better decide to get beyond your racist or personality bull$hit and get down to the truth…. WHO WILL SAVE THIS COUNTRY? Because it’s not about PERSONALITY it’s about a PROVEN RECORD and SUBSTANCE! And BTW – STHU about your racist bull$hit and realize we are all AMERICANS. Get your head the hell out of the getto and your a$$!! Wake the F##k up!!!

      • Great post !!
        The Democrat cult only listens and believes the bullshit fed them by the communist ” news” networks ie : cnn, pmsnbc, ABC , huffpost.

    • Kamala Dad said ” she is not black””
      You are another of the uneducated, ignorant cult that screams racism when you have no facts to go on !!
      Try educating yourself !! And take your lying , hatefilled rants elsewhere.
      Intelligent people post here .

    • No she will just turn this country into a third world country with all the terrorist and criminals coming in from other countries

  3. Kammy certainly doesn’t look black to me. Liz Warren isn’t a Native American either. On the other hand, it’s obvious that Barack Obummer is half black.


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