Trump’s ALL MALE Security Team…The Way it Should Be! | Buddy Brown



I am a woman and I say no women on SS detail of our POTUS.

Im a woman and I agree 5’2″ woman protecting a 6’3″ warrior?? They couldn’t even carry him off the stage.


  1. Lord, please forgive us and save us for your Glory… Protect our godly leaders and give them favor even with their enemies! Prepare a table for America before in the presence of our enemies! AS IT IS IN HEAVEN SO BE IT IN AMERICA!

  2. Thank you God for saving President Trump. This country needs him. I pray that you will surround him with angel wings as he moves towards the Presidency. Please keep him and his family safe. We love you Lord!

      • He’s my President. Thats all that matters. Former or ex is reserved for you cheating Demonrats !
        Your reign of cheating will never end but Common sense is about to take over.

      • When Trump was president you libs always called Obama president. Now you are upset because people refer to Trump as president.
        The hypocrisy of the libs never ends

      • You deranged fool prove that you were one of the brainless sheep that voted for the Kenyan implant! You continue to wallow like hogs in the pen who gratefully gobbled up the SLOP he gave you, while promising to “fundamentally transform” this great country. One who loves this country does NOT seek to transform it in his deranged vision! They seek to PROTECT it!! Your hypocrisy makes me want to PUKE!

      • Trump is our President. Biden is a pseudo President. A real President puts America first. Tell me what exactly has the pseudo president done FOR America and the American people? Nothing good.

      • Excuse me, but they still refer to the POS on the downlow Obama as President as well any living president, therefore, Linda, Trump is included with that group and will be again. Wonder what you call a puppet on a string that is impersonating a President, oh that’s right: Biden.

      • Linda the proper context is President Trump only the snowflakes that want to redefine everything to their sensitivities think their way proper. has changing the prfex for a married woman to MS. changed anything other than adding confusion and having one more thing for you to have hurt feelings over. Language does evolve. I understand when a single male was called Master because of slavery. but I had as many slaves in my history as any black. My heritage is from north ireland that suffered many of its people taken as slaves. the women to work in homes and laundry and the men in the mines to provide coal. my cousin in New York has a document signed by my cousin that said she was an indentured servant. Well isnt that strange that a woman that could speak only Gaelic could read and understand an english document let alone write her name. this happened to the scotts and welch as well. so objecting to the title the man earned in four years of service to take no salary and actually loose money serving this nation. do you demand the same of obama or Klinton? put those two brain cells competing for third place to rest. I served my country for eight years what have you done other than be offended.—— I, Grampa

  3. Lord. Thank you for sending the angles to protect president Trump. Please keep sending them to surround our leaders so they will make good decisions. In Jesus name we pray.

  4. Can’t keep quiet. You show you lack of knowledge about titles earned! Many titles such as military officer rank are used by retired officers, the Prime Minister of Great Briton keeps his title and yes, former Presidents do also. So get a little education before you shoot your mouth off!

    • this is the problem today. these people think they can just make new rules because they are offended. I tell them that word isnt in our constitution. not that they have ever read it. Dont let up on these snowflakes—— I, Grampa

  5. That’s real shitty photo shop at the beginning of this “article”. Hope that’s not indicative of the rest of it’s content.

  6. Heavenly Father, thank You for all the Blessings You have bestowed upon us and for Your Hands upon our great nation.
    Lord, I lift up the family of Cory Comperatore, please wrap them in Your loving arms, bring them comfort and strength, Lord. Please help them to heal from the traumatic, unimaginable tragedy that resulted in the loss of their loved one. Lord, please continue to bring both physical and emotional healing to those injured and to all who witnessed the horrific attack at the Buttler rally.
    Lord, we see Your Hands on this election. Please continue to expose the evil that is overrunning our country, and please continue to expose satan’s movements. Open the eyes of all who are blinded by the devil and those who do his bidding. Lord, please heal our emotionally torn country and place Your chosen one, to lead this great nation, in the White House. Thy Will be done. We ask this in Christ’s Holy Name, Amen


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