Tulsi Gabbard Just Says It Out Loud!!



Democrats aren’t who they say they are but are who they say they aren’t.

She is speaking the truth


  1. When your party member tries to make it “illegal” for any citizen to speak against their party, you know your party is a problem. Bot AOC thinks that’s the right thing to do.

    • I believe her. Ronald Reagan left the Democratic Party because he said, “they left him.” Donald Trump left the Democratic Party because it no longer represents his principles. I stayed in the Democratic Party for no reason at all except my parents were Kennedy/Johnson Democrats. Today’s Democratic Party is anti-American, anti-life, anti-God, anti-Israel, pro-Muslim, and pro-Communist Red Chinese.

      • BINGO & it’s why after many years as an ultra liberal gay man Brandon Straka left & formed the walk away party! Every true liberal who truly loves america should view his video explaining why he walked away!
        Google WALK AWAY MOVEMENT!

      • Reagan was a Democrat until Democrats embraced the Civil Rights movement; the same with the Trumps. Trump was pro choice before, but that was because he may have needed to pay for an abortion, and he didn’t want to pay for a trip out of the country for one of his mistresses; he has never had any principles so you can’t say a party doesn’t represent something he never had. I am a Democrat, and I am none of those: I am pro-American, pro-women, pro-God and pro-respect for others and their beliefs, I am pro-Israel, but anti-annihilation of neighbors, I am pro-Muslim, but anti-jihadists, and anti-communist anyone.

        • leslie the president at the time was LBJ signing that law and his remarks we will have those negroes voting for the democratic party fo the next 200 years, so get your head out.

          • As a result the black family has been destroyed. Back in the day, 80% of black families had a father. Today it is only 24%. Result? more crime in the black neighborhoods. 50% of black men in prison never knew a father. Nice going Democrats.

        • I don’t know how you know that much about Trump, about any abortions, in or out of the country. Were you involved ? Is that why you seem to know so much or are you speculating, listening to Joy Behar or Rachel Maddow??? Don’t like Trump??? No problem but why speculate on his life if you weren’t there.

    • the demon-rats were bad, L O N G ago. sane people left the party when the Gestapo first showed up in Ruby Ridge Idaho (2 dead) and Waco Texas (86 killed, using military equipment?) Bill Clinton & Janet “the dyke” Reno. I don’t trust anyone, anymore (Uni-Party)

  2. She is right on. I followed. I will NEVER be a Dem again. They are everything that America should not be. They focus on sex, pedophilia, deviates, and have made race the main issue in America, laughing at blacks, insulting them and keeping them in the bondage of government support, while we have no borders, support sponges , push the Welfare state and screw our own middle class while trying to eliminate them. The Dems are not Dems they are Communists, Marxists and are out to destroy the best country on the globe. AND WE ALLOW IT.

  3. Democrats can’t see the truth because it will damage their will to control all. They have become the Marxist party, not the democratic party. Just look at Hollywood, they have always been on the side on communism.

      • Mark, you put the idiot in the sentence, who’s an idiot. First, it’s Joe Bidens son who’s on the pipe, and Joe that’s on the Kool-Aid. You are just another plantation democrat. Oh, and I am a grown women who has the good common sense and eyesight that God gave me, sorry you’re not living in the real world and are blind.

  4. Mark. Quit drinking the Kool aid fed you by your communist masters . It makes you stupid.
    Hillary was looking at you when she said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!”

  5. Trump has said he trusted Putins word more than American intelligence, he said he fell in love with Kim un jung this is the same guy who Sent Otto warmbier home brain dead after jailing him in korea,he called john MC Cain a loser after being tortured in Vietnam for years as a pow,he is in pictures with Jeffery Epstein and his helper, he has sexually molested a women and was convicted,he told people not were masks during resulting thousands of deaths,he thought and said may be we could use ultra violet light or bleach on your lungs to kill vivid 19, and for police friendly president has not called any of the Jan 6 policemen at the capitol to say thank you for your srrvice, and held the bible upside down he’s trying to tell you something

  6. T Woods,
    You forgot to ad Biden to the list! He is a sexual molester, a pedophile, and adulterer. And the Veep was a prostitute!! So are you ok with them ??
    Trump kicked Epstein out of his property when he found out what he was like !!
    Pelosi told people in San Francisco to ignore Trump when COVID started !! Called him a liar when he warned people !! Other Democrats said same thing !!
    Trump never said to use bleach !! Another lib lie !
    Pelosi REFUSED to authorize more police to be on guard on Jan 6 AND. The whole Jan 6 narrat was pure bull shit put out by pelosi and Democrats!!
    Trump called for peaceful protest !!.

    Quit listening to the LIES from the communist Democrats!! Try thinking for yourself !!
    ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated” Hillary Clinton

  7. Tulsi Gabbard (possibly the last REAL Democrat in existence) is just saying what most of us have known since 2016. They showed their hand then when Trump came into the Oval Office. They showed themselves to be disingenuous, power hungry freaks who would sell their soul for power and the almighty dollar.


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