Victor Davis Hanson: Kamala Harris is a Communist, Trump is winning



TRUMP: “They say I was angry. I am angry. They’re destroying our country and she just stands there and smiles”.

Trump said at a rally today he’s pissed off on behalf of the American people. About open borders, crazy high inflation, and wars all over the planet. Frankly, I’m pissed off too.


  1. Victor Davis Hanson and Gordon Chang. America, better listen to these 2 great Americans as well as the very mad President Trump. You’d be mad too if you were trying to save the country and someone tried to assassinate you, and killed and wounded other patriotic Americans in the process.

  2. Of course we’d b mad if someone tried to assassinate us twice (at least)..not to mention harris lying & cheating in the debate. The Bible says they will go to h_ ll if they don’t confess & change. If they don’t care about their own souls, wouldn’t it b obvious they care less about American souls..

  3. You keep waiting for reason and rationale to kick in. You are mud-wrestling a pig. The pig loves it!! Liberals don’t even understand the question much less have any remote chance of understanding the answer. The lessons of the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela are lost on them. A responsible person is one who learns from his own mistakes. An intelligent person learns from the mistakes others make. A Democrat asks “What mistake?”.

  4. The youth have been duped by the so-called educators, into believing the communist propaganda to destroy the nation, and being twenty five doesn’t give them an ounce of common sense!

  5. WOW
    At very least you Silly little guy The world of SHOTS for REALLY need go be Refined for Their Accuracy so They DO NOT miss the point of the human head ??? The next time they see the light 💡 🤡🙏👍

    • Jag, your comment says a lot about you ,!! You approve of murder !! No morals , disrespect of law, no intelligence only a hatefilled waste of oxygen

  6. Republicans never learn. What do you do when a president fails to do a good job? You dump him. Voters did in 2020, and the Dems did in 2024. Time to try someone new instead of expecting failures to change. Both were just terrible choices. Harris gets her chance like Trump did.

    • David , Trump failed to do good job ??

      Under Trump :
      1. Unemployment for blacks , women and teens was at 40 yr LOW
      2. AMERICA was energy independent. Now we buy oil from communist Venezuela
      3. NO wars . Now wars middle east, Ukraine, Africa, trouble in Taiwan!!
      4. There was LAW AND ORDER. NOW crime is RAMPANT ( ESPECIALLY in states/ cities RUN BY DEMOCRATS)
      5 . LESS than 2 million ILLEGALS crossed the border. Now over 10 MILLION ILLEGALS ACROSS the border!!
      6. foreign leaders RESPECTED TRUMP! NOW they won’t talk to Biden on phone ??
      7. Trump has his senses and mind !! Biden can’t even answer questions and is LED around by Easter bunny, king Charles, Jill, Obama !!

      So your comment about Trump not doing s good job PROVES your ignorance, you are uneducated and as Hillary said ” DEMOCRAT voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!”
      I will take a proven LEADER Trump anyday !!

  7. For Lawrence: Let’s not forget what the majority of Americans think of Trump. They flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!

    • For Jackie , still in denial that the election was rigged?? Well when ignorance takes hold what can you do !!
      I have several lib cult members to explain this and I will ask you ! But I already KNOW you will run and hide but here goes .

      In 2020 there was approximately 135
      million registered voters in America!! BOTH PARTIES AND MEDIA AGREED THAT Trump received 75 million votes!!
      So how the hell did Biden get 81 million votes!!
      ” We have , in my opinion, CREATED the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD SYSTEM in the history of American politics” Joe Biden !!

      I’ll wait for your answer!!!

    • Jackie
      Under Trump :
      1. Unemployment for blacks , women and teens was at 40 yr LOW
      2. AMERICA was energy independent. Now we buy oil from communist Venezuela
      3. NO wars . Now wars middle east, Ukraine, Africa, trouble in Taiwan!!
      4. There was LAW AND ORDER. NOW crime is RAMPANT ( ESPECIALLY in states/ cities RUN BY DEMOCRATS)
      5 . LESS than 2 million ILLEGALS crossed the border. Now over 10 MILLION ILLEGALS ACROSS the border!!
      6. foreign leaders RESPECTED TRUMP! NOW they won’t talk to Biden.
      Not a decent job ??
      Jackie pull your head out of your rectum and face FACTS! Not the lies and bullshit fed you by your communist Democrat masters!!
      The lib cult is highly uneducated and ignorant !

      • How can you be so misinformed??? That must be embarrassing. Can’t do a fact-check? We now have a surplus of oil and the highest production in the world. Unemployment is at a 40 year low. Biden didn’t never started any wars. World leaders laughed at Trump. Look at YouTube. Trump killed the border bill that the GOP and Border Control agreed on this year. Talk about highly uneducated and ignorant !! You take first prize. Have you EVER considered doing research instead of swallowing Trump’s bullshit? Unbelieveable supidity!!!!

      • Oh Lawrence, you seem to be the dumbest MAGAT on this site. What grade are you in? Hopefully the rest of your schooling will increase your brain size, because you never present any facts, and your insults are childish!

    • Jackie , thanks for proving me correct. I posed a question for you and like every other uneducated ignorant lib cult member you disappeared! When faced with FACTS all libs run back to Mommy’s basement and pee their pants!!


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