What JUST Leaked Out of Congress Is HORRIFYING!



Iโ€™m worried for Trump and his family! I pray for them!

I’m voting for Trump 2024 Trump 2024 โคโค


  1. Jagoff,
    Fist thing tomorrow, after mommy fixes you lunch. Ask her to take you to the recruiting stations. Get scheduled for the test. If you manage to pass it, ask Army or Marines about the 0311 or 11Bravo option. You will learn about many things. Patriotism might be one of them. You should no longer be inspired by despotism.
    But Iโ€™m not sure if you will meet the requirements?

  2. Jagoff u stepped in it, with your stupidity, of voting for a full blown marxist, in comrade, scamula, harris, and a fullblown communist, in china in walz. Open your eyes, before u are really blinded by a commie take over America. U don’t put the worse VP in American history, and promote her to president, bullshit, this woman is to ignorant, and out of touch with reality, she is totally unfit for the job, just like hidenbiden.

  3. Jag off is what the commies call a ” useful idiot ” then when commies get power in they will eliminate the “useful idiots” first thing ! They can’t have them realizing that the communist Democrats LIED TO THEM !!
    YOU have to be totally uneducated and ignorant ( insert Jag off) to vote communist!
    The communists have murdered millions more people than Hitler every dreamed of!
    And still stupid people vote for them!
    The definition of stupidity is try same thing over and over and expecting a different result ,!
    Kamala is a communist AND Tim is an avowed communist with strong ties to the CCP!

  4. As a once Independent Country that has lost its way there is only one thing that tells me we are dying is our added debt to a $35,000,000,000,000 dollar every minute of our days and we are still printing it.

    • Yes, buffoon Trump had no problem adding 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt after promising to eliminate it. We should have known better than to allow him near the treasury. With 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies it’s obvious he isn’t competent to run a lemonade stand. Who else could ever bankrupt more than one casino? What a loser Trump really is. Without daddy’s inheritance he might be be able to get a job at the golden arches sweeping the floor.

  5. Why support a consistent loser? Hillary got more votes. Biden easily beat him. Trump failed again with his Red Tsunami. Voters are smarter than MAGAts. What we need to concentrate on is how a sack of shit like Trump is still leading the Republican party? Voters flushed the orange turd in 2020, after he proved that he was incompetent and totally clueless about running the country. Look how many Republicans want to dump him, and wonโ€™t endorse him. They would rather lose than have a raving lunatic for president, especially since he is destroying the party. Even his VP Pence refuses to endorse the corrupt lying POS.

    • Typical cut and paste bullshit from uneducated ignorant lib !!
      Juan doesn’t have intelligence to get real job so he sits in Mommy’s basement behind a keyboard and cuts and pastes lib BS to earn a little money. !!
      Democrats hire people to protest and post BS . These people are referred to as ” useful idiots” by their communist masters !!


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