White House Dem Arrested Impersonating Trump Voters & Committing Hate Crimes



They love keeping racism alive.

Typical cheating democrat. They are so desperate.


  1. Nothing surprises me to what extent the Democrats will do to cheat and then blame MAGA. Each incident pops up constantly. This is a pure scam. Democrats are the party of violence, but news media attemps to make it as MAGA.

      • You would rather be an accessory to millions of human beings who are killed every day from conception to natural death. You know what an accessory to a crime is, don’t you? One who sees a crime committed and does nothing to stop it. She sent many people to jail as accessories to crimes, what do you think will happen to her and all of you when standing before the Lord. If you don’t believe in the Lord maybe you should ask Him to prove to you He exists.

  2. All Republican candidates need to explain exactly what MAGA means every time they speak. Sooner or later it should sink in and expose the democrats, what they are and what they are doing. Everything they say the Republicans are doing is exactly what the democrats ARE doing. Nancy Pelosi told how it is done in one of her interviews, she said just make an accusation then leak it to the press and then get the democrats to start doing interviews about it and keep blaming it on Republicans. Make America Great Again means that America has problems right now, but could be again. The biggest one is the weak ass military caused by Joe Biden when he pulled out of Afghanistan, not to mention the 13 service members that were killed that day. This stupidity made the Taliban the 8th most powerful military in the world overnight. They’ve been selling arms since then, I’m sure they kept what they want to use.

    • What planet are you living on that you haven’t ever heard Trump tell a freaking lie. That’s all it comes out the man’s mouth and you guys are dumb enough to believe it.

        • He lied about having Mexico pay for the wall. He lied when he scammed innocent students about his college being a legitimate, accredited university. He says he’s the greatest businessman ever, when you look at his current business, Truth Social, on Wall Streets business breakdown, you will see it has never made a profit. Earnings per share are negative and future profits are negative as well. The amount of outstanding shares are a joke for a listed company. I would go on for hours but you don’t want to believe any of the prove able facts.

        • The people who gave the run-a-way slaves the most trouble became the Democratic Party. They used Sammy Davis Jr. to get black vote for Kennedy and then Joe Kennedy did not allow him on their property. Frank Sinatra was so angry that happened. It is in a movie made about Frank Sinatra. Watch and abortion or check our how many teens are killing themselves. They are doing hitler’s doctors experiments on all of us. Older citizens know because we lived in during WW II. You will all be very sorry if they win again.

      • Jon…sh*t for brains..name the lies?
        you keep on watching CNN moron!
        beter yet,…..please go lay down and rest your low IQ.

        • Today they hate the pro-life people and by the time many of you get social security there will not be enough people to pay into it. They keep raising the age to collect and then tell you after 70 life is not worth living. Lord open their eyes and minds to the truth.

      • And you’re not? Give me a break! Sorry you’re informed and that you believe the
        MSM. They’re the Democrats’ Pravda.

  3. It’s time we start taking these mentally deranged.Lunatics and putting them to death eventually, we would get rid of racism, the fake racism and all of these mentally ill delusional democrats.And it would make the world a much better place

  4. Too much hate in these posts. This is one country and people can have different viewpoints than you and still be good people.


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