You Won’t Believe What We Found in Kamala’s Crowd Photos



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The propaganda press Corp is totally pathetic.


  1. It’s amazing just how clueless the people of our country are,they would vote for someone who has done absolutely nothing as VP and only because of gender and race,they complain about the economy and the open border but yet support the people who have caused the problems,when it comes to liberals you can’t fix pure stupidity,stop voting blue or say goodbye to our country because another 4 years of this corrupt,anti-american administration and you can say goodbye to America and our freedom,this administration will turn America into a socialist country within the first year,Trump 2024 to save the country from these communist lowlifes and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

    • Obama is eagerly to have Harris to win so that he could continue run the America like what he had been doing with Biden behind the doors, which this is the biggest and ultimate betrayal to the Citizens of America. Also he is the Antichrist as everyone is speaking of about him and he is very dangerous to to the America now.

  2. When I was in high school back in the 1970’s, George Orwell’s 1984 was MANDATORY reading. You couldn’t graduate without having read it and writing a book report. Now it is banned in schools and libraries because the Libs, including some RINOs, don’t want people to know the truth. It is great reading. People should find a copy online and give it a read.

  3. You have to do what the democrat party news media says, or they will call you vile names! They won’t do anything for you, and they won’t tell you the truth, but they will give you talking points to parrot and chant!
    Join the Loonies and lose you nation and freedom!
    And secondly, campaign law does NOT apply to democrats, they were only to be used against conservatives, ask anyone at the federal election commission!

  4. As I stated a couple times now, there was voter fraud. Like the commentators above addressed. 67,000 plus unauthorized votes, another 37,000 plus we’re promised to be by law taken off voter rolls, and another 18,000 plus inactive. These are not made up numbers. The NVRA requires a legitimate effort by every state, every two years, to clean their voter rolls. Most states ignored that. Some took off less than five. After Judicial Watch started investigating and confronting them. They admitted the wrongs. The admission does not mean they did anything to correct that. There is the threat to he Republic. So no. This was not the most secure election ever. Mainstream Media gets another negative review. They lied. Only The First News and NewsMax verify stories for accuracy before printing the story. Wow. What a concept.

  5. Often in movies where you think you are seeing a big crowd you are really seeing something that has been green screened and photoshopped.

  6. I remember seeing that only 30% of Registered Voters actually vote. There are roughly 135 million Registered Voters in America. Yet Biden somehow recorded the highest ever number of Votes with just over 82 Million. Trump received just over 71 Million. So we know for a fact Trump got 71 million a day while everyone was sound asleep Biden went from 62 million to surging ahead with 82 million votes. Folks I suck at math but 71 plus 82 equals 153 million which is more than the total of Registered Voters. So how does a person who only left his basement like 5 times gather 81 million people to Vote for him? Easy when Votes for Trump were actually recorded as a Biden Vote. The Ballot Boxes somehow Registered 80% Biden 20% Trump which is Mathematically Impossible. Then you have the Known Dead who once again Voted,abandoned buildings receiving hundreds of mail in Ballots and everyone with the exact same handwriting on them. Empty lots receiving hundreds of mail in Ballots and yep you guessed it the exact same handwriting on each one. Covid will forever be known as the Election Infection with Dr. Flip- Flop changing his mind more often then Dementia Joe gets his Depends changed. The big question is just how are the Looney Liberal Democrat’s going to steal this election

  7. I heard and saw Kamala in that Sheetz Store with her communist VP pick, “Tampon Tim”. The news folks were talking about how everyone in the store was ushered out. Then they brought KAMALLA’s actors in. SICKENING!
    When Donald Trump was running the first time, he came to Baltimore. Before he left, they wanted to stop and have lunch somewhere? They decided to go to “The Boulevard Diner” in Dundalk on Merritt Blvd. His security walked into the busy restaurant and told people a group was coming in, and please stay at your seats. Next thing you know, Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani and several others came in and sat at the huge corner table. I quickly got a Twitter alert. A friend of mine in Edgemere was selling MAGA hats and stuff in his store. Hobbs was invited to meet with them for lunch. Hobbs was a Marine in Vietnam and owned the Edgemere Citgo. He quickly got to the restaurant. NOTHING WAS STAGED, INCLUDING THE AUDIENCE! Trump ordered the huge burger they had, but the manager also took him “on the side” a huge Maryland Crabcake sandwich. They were very happy the future President dined there. When he won the Election they put the Presidential Seal behind that table. Sort of like they do in Great Britain. If the Queen goe’s into an establishment, her Coat of Arms goes over the door, showing she’s been there. Mr Hoob’s died, sorry to say, a great guy and veteran. I pray President Trump get’s back in and we get rid of these ruthless Marxists!


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